I Declare
I declare war
I declare war on anything that tells us that we are less than amazing
I declare that we go above and beyond
I declare that we will exceed everyone’s expectations, including our own
I declare that when you and I are together, nothing can stop us
I declare that this year we will dance and run and jump and not care that the girl down the street thinks we belong in a mental ward
I declare that I will hold your hand in mine and be the happiest I’ve ever been
I declare that even though the summer is over, we will never lose the heat that brought us together in the first place
I declare that we will hold on to this moment and make sure that we cherish every second we have together
I declare that the earth is round, so even if we’re going in different directions, we’ll eventually come back to each other
I declare that I am no longer lost and out of love, but found within it
I declare that your smile makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world
I declare that we will stand, defiant and strong, loving and free, happy and whole, dancing and singing through the stars and across the universe