I can be the "leaver" too.
Literally never wants to.
Tired of chasing.
Wish I could be chased for once
Wish I could feel wanted.
Tired of being two people under one roof.
Two independent people
With the only common ground being the once a week fucking and a kid.
Not even sex.
Sex requires love, sex requires passion, sex required reciprocation. When I’m the only one that gives but never receives,
It’s just fucking.
Fuck a fancy dinner
Fuck a fancy car
Fuck a fancy watch
Fuck a pair of shoes
Fuck all the materialistic shit.
Give me love!
Show me love!
Make love to me!
Take out the trash and shut the fuck up about having to do it
Understand that I get tired too
Do the damn dishes too
Make more fucken lemonade
Take care of me
Make me feel wanted!
Work to keep me.
Work to keep me.
Be scared to loose me.
I can be the “leaver” too.