I am a woman, not an object
I am a someone and not a something.
I am derived from irreplaceable queens.
I hear the war cries in my heart ring
and when I bust through walls I hear them joyfully sing.
But you Mr. XY chromosome want to silence me and bind me in chains like a barking dog.
Do my veins not burst with rivers of red human ancestry?
Do my fingers read nonexistent on test just because I can rock a dress?
I am more than heels and makeup.....
I am eternal soul.
Try to hose down my internal fire that ignites my soul.........I DARE YOU.
And from those ashes a phoenix shall rise and I, a woman shall destroy your towers of sexism
and double standards.
Your towers will collapse and crumble beneath you like the twin towers
Because my persverence and power is your 9/11.
I am a woman and believe me when I say I am no feminist.
But I honorably object!
I am THE woman not a man pleasing,
child bearing,
house cleaning,
sex giving,