I am the Wild Youth
I am the wild youth.
I am made to become something as I had started,
But I stand here as nothing.
My voice is the loudest, the most rebellious, and the angriest,
But I am the ripple in the water after the big splash.
I am the almighty opium of the masses!
Fear me!
For I am weak and have the ugliest truths to tell.
More than any God you pray to,
Or person you worship.
I have suffered angst and anxiety,
Depression and destruction,
Inflation and exploitation,
I have been torn apart and emptied out,
Stuffed back in and sewn together,
Beaten by words and phrases with empty meanings,
Razor sharp like box cutter blades and scalpels.
Thoughts like an IV drip,
Or a tornado.
I am my own demise,