I am who I am
Beautiful am I
Because I learned to let go
Because I learned not to care
what others thought of me
Because I love myself
Because I love others
Strong am I
Because I stood up for myself
Because I have Him on my side
Because I am a fighter
Because I keep going everyday
Joyous am I
Because I am grateful for
the small things in life
Because for me
the glass is always half full
Because I let the sunlight fill my heart
Wise am I
Because I know the difference
between right and wrong
Because I know from expierince
how to treat others
Because I’ve seen rich and poor
young and old
white and black
And know they can all get along
I am who I am
Not because of cruel people
and how they treated me
But because of how I chose to react
to everything that happened to me in my life
I am who I am
Because of the love and support I have
Because of my wonderful friends
Because I lived
And learned
To love