I Am: A Pitbull Story
I am the one who fought for you
Because it’s what you asked.
I am the one who would have died for you
If to me that is what you tasked.
I am the one who forgave each blow
Landed upon my frame.
I am the one who denied my nature
To bring you blood-soaked fame.
I am the one who waited for you
And wagged my tail when you came home.
I am the one whose cropped ears perked up
If I heard your voice in a rare, gentle tone.
I am the once loyal fan and worshipper
who would rather die than disappoint.
I am the one who still came to you
Though my pain echoed in every joint.
I am the one whose spirit was broken
And in battle I was beat.
I am the one that, once I’d lost,
You threw me away into the street.
I am the one who ran through snow
And endured the harshest weather.
For days, or weeks, or maybe years I searched
For you who held my tether.
I am the one whose ribs were showing
And whose eyes grew dull and frightened.
I am the one who growled and snarled
As my pain and loss with time did heighten.
I am the one who was at the door of death
My breathing harsh and shallow.
I am the one to whom an angel came
And took me away from a world so dark and hollow.
I am the one whose spirit was restored
By gentle hands and loving care.
I am the one whose scars were healed
and in my heart, love began to mend the tear.
I am the one who learned again
How to run and play.
I am the one who began to smile
Though my transformation took many a day.
I am the one who now fights for justice
With my angel at my side.
I am the one who works to prove
That those like me do not need to hide.
I am the gentle nanny dog
Born with patient love.
I am the one who has loyalty, not violence
Running in my blood.
I am the one that clings to life
But clings to love even tighter.
I am the one who truly is a lover
And never wished to be a fighter.
I am the one they talk about
But never really know.
I am the one they blame for things
Because they need a show.
I am the one so many avoid
Unwilling with me to be familiar.
I am the one they call vicious and dangerous
And label me as a killer.
I do not understand what it is my angel says
When she claims I’m not the monster.
She says I am proof that the other end of the leash
Is where the hate is fostered.
Dear friend on two legs, and those on four
I am so much more than you think.
I am someone’s world now, or so they say.
And they love me despite my scars and tail kink.
Before you cross that street again
To avoid my vicious tongue and smile.
Please take a moment to get to know me
And ignore my projected profile.
I am your shadow and follower
Loyal to the end.
I will be your child, your warmth, and stress relief
Your cold medicine, vacuum, and your friend.
I am the one who wishes to see
Your life with happiness full.
I am the one who deserves a second chance.
I am the pitbull.
To all of the "angels" out there, thank you for all that you do. Dedicated to Lucas, Ray, Mama Jade, Puppy Doe, and
all the dogs like them.
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I love the pitbull and agree with every word
A silent prayer twisted and slurred.
This is what the world should see,
this is what the world should be.
As I read I felt them come,
a steady stream , a beating drum.
Your words are like a memory
of every pitbulls unfortunate history.
I love your passion and your words
together maybe we can make them heard.
Keep on believing in what you know
That the pitbull breed shall begin to grow.