I am Not Like the Others
This will be hard to put out there
But, I know, it'll be worth it. Life isn't fair.
I've never thought about who I am.
I could be Bi, Asexual, Homo, or Pan.
All of these thoughts could be real.
But, what I truly am, I must truly feel.
I am not like the others.
I'm not popular, I wouldn't be a good mother.
I hate my clothes, my body type too,
And I know everything I say isn't true.
But I know one thing for certain.
I want to put this out there, instead of hiding in a curtain.
I'm bisexual, I love women and men.
But, I realize right then,
I could be lying. It's probably not true,
Do you think so? Do You?
I am not like the others.