I Am Me
Looking through the filter I am perfect.
The truth about my life is nonexistent.
Looking through the filter.
all the words I say are pure,
With no stammer or lisp.
Looking through the filter.
Every aspect of my body is flawless,
With no stretch marks or scars.
looking through the filter ,
I am perfect in every aspect of life.
but I am not.
remove the audits and the photo shop.
remove the fantasy of perfection.
I am me.
my grammer is not ideal.
my dialect is far from superb.
I am me.
my skin has scar,
Those of lessons learned and past.
My body has stretch marks,
from creating life.
I am me.
Through the filtered eye.
My speech and body are exquisite.
in reality,
I am a mother, daughter, and sister.
I speak with flawed Grammer.
I am covered in scars.
I am me.