I am a human being
I am a human being
Although young and, yes, possibly naive
I breath and feel and cry just like you
I give in to peer pressure
I put way too much on my plate
but I dont eat half of it
Because being fat makes you ugly, so they say
I work hard
But sometimes life gives me shit
So when I don't do that homework you wanted so desperately me to do
get. over. it.
I am not a number or a letter
I'm not that wrong answer from that important test that I bombed last semester
My grade doesn't define me
I may doze off in your class
But do not be so self centered to think that it's because you're boring me
you are
I just didn't get any sleep last night
I don't always raise my hand
I'll be wrong sometimes
You and your pointless busy work won't always be my priority
Stop thinking my entire life revolves around your expectations
It doesn't
Because I'm young and I'm naive
and I have to screw up now, when it doesn't count