I am human
I am not a fool
I'm only himan
And I'm bound to make mistakes
Understand I've always had what it takes
What it takes to love you
And what it takes to stay with you
Yeah I might have been hurt
And I have hurt you
But understand I am human
And you are human too
But I wouldn't matter anymore
Because we are finish and through
But when I reminisce
I think that I might have loved you
But I'm human
And humans make mistakes
But with you gone
I'm not sure of my place
My place in this world
I was happy to be your girl
I thought I was everything
Your everything
When imagining you hurt
Made me sore
But that I think back
We were worth so much more
But time will come
Time will tell
Were you sent from heaven
Or were you a package from hell
But why must I think
Is it because I loved you
You loved me
Or because we were together through
Thick and thin
But the matter if the fact is
We are human
And that's not a sin