I Am Awesome
I Am Awesome
Sometimes it's hard to see
With the world and their pictures
Of what perfect should be
I Am Awesome
I can't lie and say it's not hard
But only I truly know what's in my heart
Sometimes I get sad
Knowing that I'll never be
The girl in the pictures
America wants me to be
Sometimes I get mad
When I realize that I am not accepted
By everyone everywhere
Though I am, excellent
I Am Awesome
I Am Me
I Am Black
I Am Woman
I Am Big
I Am Beautiful
Regardless of how you feel
I feel amazing
I feel proud
I feel awesome
With my unperfect hair
My awkward body
My blemished skin
My unpretty face
My weird personality
You used to make me sad
Because I thought these things were bad
Yet then I found that
I had no reason to be mad
I am all I have
I have to love me
When no one does
That's most important
The self love
I have learned
I have changed
I am me
I Am Awesome