I AM...
I am not a superlative
I won’t be remembered for one quality
I have accepted that I am too much of everything
I have qualities that interact with each other because of who I have met
I am the man who shares stories about his life and laughs lightly
I muster up the courage and do it now
I am the teacher who talks five minutes after class
I envelope myself in my studies, and do everything with passion
I am the manager who helps rather than directs from the sidelines
I show people that I am can do it too, rather than just talk about it
I am the person with seemingly useless facts
I am curious about the world and share what I know when appropriate
I am the lady who excitedly shared her wedding details with a stranger
I love hard, and am not afraid of letting the world know
These are but a few of the people I am
I carry everyone with me, in compartments that are not visible
Rest assured, everyone I have met is always with me
I am me and everyone I meet