I’m so sorry I’m me
I’m sorry I’m not good enoughI’m sorry I’m meMaybe it’d be easier if I was that perfect girl Yunno that blonde one who sits next to me The shy oneThe one with deep blue eyesAnd that perfect smileThe one who looks good in anything she wears The one who everybody seems to adoreThe one who I’d give anything and moreTo beI’m so sorry I’m meYes me the one with the attitudeYunno the lazy oneWho everyone hatesWho hasn’t showered in monthsBecause what looks back at herDisgusts and makes her ashamedIts Rolls and rolls of fat And the scars embedded and etched onto her skin Yes that’s meThe mirror is my deepest fearAnd for some that’s a feeling they’ve never feared But for me it’s lifeA life that is destroying meOh to be them girlsYunno the popular onesWho can do no wrong in anyones eyes Who just sit there and are so damn perfect The ones who don’t even need to try They’re naturally good at anything they do Oh I wish that was meI’m so sorry that’s not meConstantly hearing I love you for youBut do you reallyBecause I can’t help but feelWouldn’t you love me moreIf I was sheShe the one who is so damn happy and free