I’ll Fight For You

Fri, 03/23/2018 - 11:07 -- J.James

Why is negativity so fiercely strong in this world of sin?

Why does it have such a stronghold on the past to have future decisions bend?

Why isn’t love triumphing over all, why can’t love win in the end?

Is it because the defocusing lens of a heartbreak clouding our judgement, for an end?

Why can’t we retreat to fight later, come back to the heart that knows you?

Can it be, that love has turned into hate, hatred towards a past issue?

Or issues, that haven’t been addressed, can we address them and handlethis negative pursuit?

You’ve always had my heart, even though the trials seemed unbearable, I still wanted you.

I sincerely ask, don’t reject me, accept this new journey, I will not fail God or you, again.

I’m praying, fasting, rejecting addiction and reading the Word, I won’t give power to sin.

How can I show you that this time is absolutely totally different, in so many ways?

We will win this time, I’ll fight for you each day I’m with you, like it’ll be my last.

We meaning God, You, and me. I’ll fight for you.

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