Hurt, to cause physical pain or injury. Well according to Google definition.
To me, hurt is more than just a google definition.
To me hurt is physical and mental.
Hurt is an emotion.
Hurt is a feeling.
People are hurt, someone in the world.
Right now someone is hurting.
Someone could've broken a leg.
Someone could've broken a heart.
No matter what it is, someone is hurting.
You may ask, "What is hurt?"
Many people have their many definitions, and so do I.
Hurt is falling and tripping.
Hurt is stubbing your toe.
Hurt is a headache.
Hurt is a breakup.
Hurt is an icepack.
Hurt is crying.
Hurt is a time you can never relive.
Hurt is the inner-monster inside us all.
Hurt is the knowledge of not being good enough.
Hurt is a heart, not pounding the beat it usually plays.
Hurt is an emotion.
Hurt is a feeling.
So, you may ask," What is hurt?"
To me, hurt is more than just a Google definition.