How Nature Made Me
Nature made me as I am
As she did with the oceans and trees
To be myself is her intended plan
A prisoner inside my mind never free
Hold my tongue in the presence of the Crowd
Only to speak when I emerge in pure silence
Bounded by Chains with my head Bowed
Only when I be myself can I achieve true balance
How can one stand by while my true self is jailed away
How can one not be happy for the qualities that his
The majority fear individualism because it defies their way
But what is really to fear is the majority for what it truly is
They say I am flawed in every way
But it is these flaws that our me
What keeps me going is the internal fight so I may not be eaten away
I love to be myself to run, scream, and be free
Why does my true self need to be locked deep inside
So what I may be loud, short, and weird
I would rather be who I am and be cast aside
Then someone I am not and be cheered.
I must not conform to their Wishes
Be who I am as nature intended
To speak up and express my differences
Only then will my true self be transcended