How do you go on?
He stands over me like the Chrysler building, tall and frightening.
He speaks words of doubt, but I can't hear.
His hands are wrapped around me, but I don't feel.
His eyes have a sparkle to them, but I can't see.
Then it hits me like lightning.
He's disappeared.
I have to get up on my feet, but all I can do it kneel.
And sadly he comes back, and tells me to plea.
I want to plea, but I'm still coughing up water.
As he held me under I realized I could have prevented this.
I could have done his homework for him.
But I took the high road.
It's getting hotter.
When this is over, it will seem like bliss.
Thank goodness he didn't slaughter my limbs.
He just needs to be slowed.
A teacher walks by and sees what he's done.
As I am wheeled to the infirmary I see him cry.
How can someone live like this?
How can someone bully for a living?