How could I love someone


United States
32° 37' 12.9936" N, 82° 20' 42.6804" W

How could I love someone so dirty?
That so many men have touched
How could I want someone so selfish?
Who does so little but wants so much
How could I want someone so needy?
Who would do anything for someone that loves her?
How could I love someone so hated?
By her teachers, her colleagues, her mother
How could I accept someone so tainted?
Who thinks that everything comes with a fee?
How could I love someone so damaged?
How could I love someone like me?





This a strong gem of a poem. The constant anaphora and use of questions heightens the urgency and uncertainty of the poem, and the twist at the end (the reader obviously does not expect the subject of the narrator's question to be the narrator herself) is surprising, and encourages one to read through the poem again. Try submitting this for publication somewhere--I'm sure it can find a home!

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