Horrible Fate - Be Kind to Horses! Prevent. Animal. Abuse.
Horrible Fate
By: Hayley Holzhacker
Such a good horse
jumping around the course
It's a rainy day
with a lot gray
the grass is muddy
and very cruddy
but the horse still made it through
years later sold, donated, and traded
my happy days were done
as the wind blew
loaded on the truck
it appears dark
no longer in the park
oh my bleeding heart
the truck stopped at the final road
with the final load
and made its way
down the ramp
lined up one by one
their days are done.
People are mean
they don’t care about being fair
even if she’s a mare
horses deserve more
rather than just being a chore
Changing the fate
without using hate
Achieve your goal
while letting your horse roll
getting muddy and cantering in the field
The horse’s heart will be healed
with some love and affection
they’ll make it to perfection
Gaining some weight
and veterinary care is up to date
I believe that all horses should be treated fair
and with care.
Change your mind and you will see
how sweet a rescue horse can be!
Come on,
WHY would you mistreat a beautiful horse
I mean,
A living breathing animal with a gentle heart
Hurting a horse with force
can make the animal head shy and distrusting
After hurting a horse you will feel remorse
Seriously WHY?
What did this special, magnificent creature ever do to you?
Maybe the horse picked up the wrong hoof
or did something you thought was wrong
But maybe the horse is sick of being treated poorly
That is why watch out for the hoof
One day you will have a bruise
and be sure not to confuse
why and how you got the bruise
from mistreating the horse,
of course.
This is so upsetting.
I think we shouldn't be forgetting
that this horse is living breathing creature
with beautiful features.
Horses can't speak or tell people in words when they're in pain.
In actions, we should be kind to the animal and help them regain
all their confidence in human nature.
It's not fair to pull each other's hair,
so HOW can it be okay
to abuse a beautiful horse one day?