I have you fooled.
You can do this,
It’ll be okay,
It’ll work out,
Just more lies through my teeth.
I’m a foe disguised as a friend,
I whisper sweet encouragements in your right ear
While my brother hisses the opposite in your left
Oh if only you couldn’t hear us,
He talks you to the edge and I talk you down.
Bandaids only last so long.
I lie to you.
Lie after lie after lie
Lie after lie after lie
Lie after lie after lie,
But you believe me everytime.
He is brutally honest, he is right.
Silly human.
I’m smiles to your face and rumors behind your back.
I’ve saved you
I ooze black ichor
I’ve destroyed you
It’ll be better tomorrow.
Jagged, yellow, sharp teeth but you don’t notice when I smile
You’re needy.
He’s the bluish purple bruise on your knee that’s been there all week,
I’m the bandaid.
I’m not the light at the end of the tunnel,
there’s no such thing,
I’m what keeps you going down the tunnel.
It’s my job.
He’s Fear,
But I’m scarier.
Chills down your spine on dark, questioning nights,
you close your eyes and think of me with your knees to your chest and deep breaths,
In and out, in and out, in and out,
I’m there for those nights when you need affirmation.
I’m alive in everyone yet different and new,
For him, I might be a high school diploma
For them, I might be happily ever after
For her, I might be sudden death
What am I to you?
I’m a foe disguised as a friend.
It’s all lies.
But you need me,
I keep you alive.
You’re nothing without me,
I’m the light and the dark,
And without me, you would be an empty shell.
I am Hope.