Oh, the Confused as they call me in my home
In my head stuck inside, raping my outs with lies
Provoking the truth , basking in youth
We are wrong because our melody is a different tune
Because the pitch I produce is not similar to yours.
So I am hit with your derogatory slurs.
I am a fag because my views differ from the group.
My ideas approaching out of the grasses
Spending time stuck in classes
Not understanding keeping your head stuck in asses
Rusting quickly, strickly dickly as you say
But who cares if I am Gay,
You don’t why do you care? You cannot say?
I think I Know the harder you attempt to hide
The more you show, So yea you are me.
Locked in a closet like a fool, but who am I to judge?
I am locked up to, taking pills, going numb not sure how it fills
Doing drugs the fuck is up?
Smoking weed, wearing tees
They say Homo, but i am confused when did you win and what did i lose?
Woe to Me, for I’m confused, or so im told by those with which i feud.