Homes and What Son
There Was A Knock On The Door
I Bolted From My Chair
But B4 I Could Ascertain
The Presence of the Caller
Holmes Intercepted and Like A Cat
Flung Open The
Veil of Our Solitude.
“I Would Say From The Sound
Of IT, IT's Something
On A Wheel” said he.
Know One Was There
and Nothing Appeared
and Like a String
Made of Wacked B's
and Corn
He Turned and Smiled...
“Finding the Answer Watson?
Your The Wiping Boy
and We R The Answer...
I Hope U Appreciate
This Demonstration
of the effects
Produced When 1 (One) Mind
Intercepts Another...
You See, There was Know One
At The Door...
Only Me, My Mind and You.
Forgive Me Dear Friend,
I Simply Intended to Demonstrate
The Potential of a Cultivated Mind
On An Unenlightened one”.