Holding On
Bodies in the sand,
tight skin, shining eyes,
messy hair,taute lips
kissed by the sunsrise.
New life, wet air, rapid breathes
pumping blood
wide steps,big dreams.wet cheeks
a rushing flood.
Crowding and dying beautifully like flowers coming into winter.
In groups, altogether, we fade, its our hinder.
Time is a cracked glass
half empty or half full
From either perspective,
living is the rule.
I cannot kick and scream, theres nowhere to go
either animal or human
its all my choice though.
survive or rise
reach or roar
i know there has to be something more
Something i find within myself
I make this all matter,
noone else.
Im worth what i think,
and i feel oh so small
when I think I'm the opposite,
I'll grow incredibly tall
You see, I am a cracked glass and a dying flower,
But do i really want to dare waste another hour?
I am holding on.
until my last breathe,
I will make it matter
Because i said.