Hold my Breath

I can’t help but glance

And often look back

Your presence overwhelms me and makes it hard to breath

Forgive me for my act of coldness and my lack of interest

If I allow myself to breath so much as one small breath

My face will flush revealing my true feelings

I won’t allow myself to make a scene

I’ll have to find a way to deal with these feelings

They'll have to pass

I hope they do

They don’t hold back

Once again I hold my breath as you begin to pass me by

I feel my jealously being to stir

As others gawk and stare at you

I note, I can’t possess these feelings

It’s not right, it’s not real . . .

I can’t imagine a reality in which I confess and you accept

We lack the spark, not mine . . . just yours

Perhaps, I think, if I got pass myself and crossed your path . . . 

No . . .

I believe I also lack the requisites to meet your love

You deserve better, I wish I was better, forgive me for intruding  



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