Hispanic Heritage Month Poem (Twist & Shout Slam)
I know I might not have been born in a Hispanic Country,
But does that keep me from being Hispanic ??
Of Course Not !! Yet I'm patriotic.
My parents & family before them were born in Hispanic countries,
Making my ethnicity Hispanic, or "Chicana" all the way.
Ignore the fact that I'm light skin, okay ?
Why should that even matter ?
We Hispanics come in different shapes & colors.
We even have different music genres,
But Speak, Smile, & Cry in the same language. I mean we even get a month to celebrate our pride as one.
So let all that segregation be Done.
Many of our parents & ancestors had many different struggles & some fell harder than others,
But for all of us to be sitting here together,
It's because they all had the same mindset;
The American Dream.
"Si se Puede!" is what they said.
Now don't say that it's fled.
Don't forget that when we celebrate, it's gigantic.
Don't forget our language, because it's an enormous problem in modern day.
Don't forget we're here to stay.
Don't forget that our culture is unique.
Don't forget that it's not Hispanic Heritage week,
But Hispanic Heritage Month !!