Hide and Seek – part 8 – Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book
This Book which has 34 differently titled Poems , is actually part 8 of the Book titled – Hide and Seek – Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems ( 702 pages ) . Parekh's earliest collection of verse. Written in unparallelled fervor, this collection is a delectable blend of topics from love to death, probing into countless infinitesimal aspects of existence which make a significant impact to it. The beauty of this compendium lies in its magical brevity at places and in the most mundane things of life around us brought to the fore like a magicians wand, in brilliant poetic flair by Parekh. Contains poems on topics impossible for one to envisage that a poem could be written about such an inconspicuous little thing-but Parekh evolves bountiful rhyme from the word go and coalesces vivacious color in the little tid-bits of the chapter called life to optimum effect. A must read for all those who find color, charm and significance in even the smallest things of life and are enthused by even the most mercurial bit of stray paper loitering around. A poetic tribute to the ordinary, projecting its colorful extraordinary bit to the planet with raw panache.
This book tingles every living being's imagination to fantasize beyond the ordinary. Look at all those meaningful tid-bits around us which have a complete book written in each one of them. All those joyous and unfortunate anecdotes around us which make us blossom into the true spirit of existence; into the amazing celebration of omnipotent life.
22. BALD
Wild berries fell down from the peach tree,
wide spanned eagles glided harmlessly across the moon,
menacing owl eyes stared fiendishly downward,
bushy squirrels clambered the rock with bustling fervor,
olive green grasshoppers swished their tentacles,
stinging red ants dug small burrows in wet mud,
colored magpie birds sang a perfect sonnet,
lethal alligators swam clumsily through the neighboring water,
sly foxes galloped at rollicking speeds,
the princely lion lurked stealthily in search of rich prey,
huge brown spiders spun their webs in animation,
century old tortoise trampled the outgrowths with its newly born offspring,
mega sized mouse families ran past dungeons buried deep in the ground.
I perched myself on the slippery mud bank of the jungle river,
Levering long fishing rods in the tranquil water,
Scooping out frequently, a cluster of small sized fish,
As the stars glittered in the open blue sky,
Crystal ball of the moon luminated large above my head,
Rudimentary scent of earth tickled my nostril,
Mesmerizing tunes of the peacock drifted in hollow eardrum,
The stillness of water pierced unexplored zones in my heart,
I then lit a crackling fire of quality wood and dead leaf,
Roasted the silver fish in amber flames leaping high,
Slept like an innocent angel all summer night,
Relishing tender bones of my personally prepared appetizing fish.
There lay a gigantic boulder sprawled in the middle of the street,
draped with an abraded finish of sparkling steel gray,
punctured at infinite spots of its body with a host of serration's,
left solitary on the road without traces of established identity.
A carpenter passing by thought of chiseling it to fine pieces,
with incessant strokes of his tapered hostile saw.
The gardener mused on embossing it with wild cactus,
entangling it with a plethora of thorny shrub and brilliant rose.
The sharp witted pilot envisaged its appearance with wings,
applauded himself for figuring out the supreme innovation.
The watchmaker felt like studding it with a jugglery of slender needle,
reinforcing its base with innocuous amounts of clockwork machinery.
The palmist had an impulse of engraving it with fine lines,
reading aloud chivalrously the waves of destiny hovering around its persona.
The chef of the hotel had a strong stare at it,
decided to lambaste it into dainty slices of fresh salad.
The archaeologist seemed to be reeling in waves of euphoric delight,
commenced to jot down notes regarding the very source of its existence.
The police on the street viewed it with gruesome disdain,
as it obliterated their visions of the flowing traffic.
Groups of lovers paid handsome tributes, assuming it to be an sacrificial altar,
inscribing their names with white sticks of chalk, red blood,
sketching their hearts with slanting arrows ripping through the core.
The writers pen filled sheets of virgin paper with innumerable lines,
portraying the glory of the inanimate object to all.
The most professional of them all was a hungrily starved beggar,
he didn't waste a minute pondering on the stone,
instead constructed his dwelling on the island of amalgamated rock,
slept all night in unperturbed tranquil,
within the rustic interiors of his rock stone house.
There was heavy consternation in the atmosphere,
we hadn't slept all ruthless night,
the floor marble was biting cold with accumulation of winter dew,
roof plaster was on the point of immediate collapse,
there was an obnoxious stench of vegetable food,
the wall had several crevices, in which resided venomous snake,
dark waters lurked in colossal interiors of adjacent well,
the birds had forgotten to chirp their mystical rhyme,
trapped we were in domains of solitude,
in slipshod ambience of primitive hut,
hands tied in rusty iron shackles,
feet wound tight in brutal cold chain metal,
mouths stuffed with fluffs of unprocessed cotton,
tears rolling down our mud painted cheek,
highlighting streaks of fair skin, within wax coated molecules of dirt.
water seemed a remote possibility,
with meager loafs of bread offered at dispersed intervals of time,
the enemy camp made us prisoner,
held us captive for massacring their men,
with our body fortresses, in which flowed blood of true patriotism,
there was no sunshine filtering through,
our bodies lay limp, gasps for breath had receded down,
we knew we were on the verge of extinction,
as we saluted the flag in unison,
took a pinch of soil in clasped hands,
left for long journeys to heaven, drowned in the
fragrance of our home soil.
High pulsating music in country discotheque,
youngsters moving to vibrant beats of sound,
streets decorated with piercing sodium light,
shops flooded with surplus discounts,
array of cars crowding main streets,
rough shod bikes vomiting clouds of smoke,
mega sized parachutes sailing in sky,
televisions displaying a host of programs,
government firms closed for the day,
cable cars conveying loads of passengers,
to freezing precipices of snow clad alps,
bottled champagne flowing in garden parties,
explosive dynamite burnt on streets,
producing cascade of descending fireworks,
cinemas screening titanic full to capacity,
animals released from personal bondage,
scintillating ship cruise of pacific ocean,
incessant ringing of church bells,
athletic sprints in all world existing,
uniformed police having a nightmarish time,
high rise structures a festival of lights,
giant clock towers flashing left over time,
breathless crowds visualizing freedom,
from countless sins of past century,
with all existing youth on bustling streets,
and the old glued to coverage to be telecast live,
billions anticipated the change of century,
the first Sun rays of the brand new millennium.
I pictured my ancestor draped in long flannel cloth,
with thick rimmed glasses caressing his nose,
sturdy stick with curved knight handle leaning across his leg,
a pair of compact denture riveted to his jaw,
historical time piece wound loose on his wrist,
plain soles of rich canvas adorning his feet,
partial stubs of grizzly beard gaining thorough prominence,
angularly crafted slender nose breeding amidst steel Grey eyes,
a bunch of faded parchment stashed in his waist coat pocket,
silken fingers with tiny nail, bereft of shining jewels,
short neck embedded well within shoulder sockets,
a charismatic glow captivating millions of youth in its reflection.
I pictured him sweating like a bull in his days of strength,
pedaling through remote corners of the town,
wrestling with pure professionals in the boxing ring,
earning life bestowing fodder for his army of children,
swimming past stormy channels of overwhelming hardship,
he had lived all life like an unconquered dictator,
never yielding an inch from territories of righteousness,
blaming none other than himself for his balance of misdeed,
with the feather tipped pen lying close to his heart,
and his rocking chair swaying violently still decades after,
he left for his heavenly abode;
O! yes I had a proud premonitions of whom I was a descendant,
as I tried even harder to picture my ancestor.
He has more centuries than his age,
more international runs than one could imagine,
can execute every definable shot to perfection,
with the straight drive being his favorite,
has hawk eyes sighting 3 ounce leather,
in daylight, and flickering rays of light pole,
dispatching it with utmost ease and brute power,
to deep corners of mammoth sized grounds.
has broken records of all denomination,
prefers to carry the heaviest willow,
pads, gloves, starched white flannels, crash helmet the only make up,
along with spiked shoes, flexible wrist band,
hoisting rising balls for long journeys over jute ropes,
belting terror pace to metal signboards of the fence,
taking evasive action against tantalizing spin magic,
smothering opposition anger with solid batting prowess,
darting like a race car between wickets,
covering the 22 yard pitch with panting breath,
carrying tons of courage and unrelenting desire to succeed,
with an everlasting hunger for runs,
and an insatiable desire to succeed on all tracks,
in chilly cold, and pelting rain,
walking to a thunderous applause in every nation,
endorsing advertisements like a film star,
bearing a thick shock of curly hair,
gifted short stature and brain,
demonstrating sheer class of a sport warrior,
felicitated revolving trophies of ultimate prestige,
hailing from a literary family of Bombay,
compared to legendary Sir Donald,
an absolute nightmare for opposition bowlers,
a devastating hurricane when at his best,
a person of humble simplicity,
a true stalwart of Indian soil,
with millions of fan following his on field fortunes,
all ways taking guard on the third stump,
is Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.
It ran miles further as I chased it,
faded from vision like a captivating mirage.
It escaped from my tightly curled fist,
survived the injury, changed its place of habitation.
It buzzed incessantly in vicinity of my bare eardrum,
was quiet as an angel when i scratched my flesh raw in
It multiplied in numbers in stagnant pools of water,
hissed discordant rhymes of exasperating music.
It perched on stale fruit, squashed remains of brown chocolate,
injected its venom in edible items of uncooked food.
It flew at small heights from the ground,
eluded clouds of smoke leaking from modern repellant coils.
It was a carrier of deadly infections,
stung soft flesh rich and pure with youthful blood.
It prompted patches of allergy to spread on skin,
was resistant to the strongest of medicinal balm.
It had caused me many a torturous night,
wrecked me of tranquil sleep from woolen delights of my cozy quilt.
It had surpassed all my imagination to render it lifeless,
had escaped my clutches on infinite occasions of time.
In the end I chalked a plan of action,
of being bitten, rather than spending a lifetime,
chasing the athletic mosquito in vast space of suspended air.
It offered silken webs of passionate wind,
blessed countless people with tarpaulin covers of cool shade,
stood like a formidable fortress against acrimonious rays of summer heat,
shielded the animate from torrential showers of rain,
served as a greenhouse for passengers dreary from incessant travel,
glistened majestically with sparkling droplets of dew at the onset of dawn,
trembled like a maniac in tumultuous outbursts of breeze,
sobbed with inert emotions when struck by live currents of electricity,
blossomed like a fairy god mother in the mystical ambience of spring,
resembled a ghost; stripped of cloth in the incongruous environs of autumn,
catering to a plethora of wild insect,
with an army of smoke Grey squirrel slithering down all day,
migratory birds nestling in harmony with its hollow belly,
venomous snakes curled tightly in dense regions of its wild armory,
unrelenting hurricanes prompting it to crouch and stoop,
it bore bountiful fruit of olive green plum,
bathed few months in a calendar year with natural water from the sky,
giving regular births to parrot green buds of striped leaf,
inhabiting virtually all corners of the globe sprawled with fertile soil,
spreading its roots deep within unexplored regions of the ground,
with white milk oozing out when sliced with dexterous strokes of jackknife,
I simply had loads of reverence for the chocolate brown plum tree,
saluted its persona with flowing tributes and heaps of adulation.
The Sun blazes in full radiance,
the mercury soars to kingly proportions,
as sheets of dust blow in turbulence,
the parched tarmac bellows hysterically,
trees shriek in disbelief,
vulcanized rubber groans in despair,
as the sandstorm vocalizes its arrival.
Every eyeball gets averted,
to the green tripod of cool water,
stacked in gay abundance on thick jute sacks,
hailing from tall timber with slender branches,
deriving its nutrition from the pure wet sand,
christening it as the darling of all lands.
Colossal crowds flock the asphalt,
drifted by thirst and scorched excitement,
with sweaty palms, icy bandannas,
awaiting encounter with the hard green shell,
fingers clinging currency notes,
the queue shifts at a meandering pace,
as I finally get my chance,
to savor the natural taste in a coconut.
It came after 6 days of grueling work,
6 days of assiduous effort under the scorching ball of Sun,
6 days of unrelenting tasks executed at electric pace,
6 days of insufficient meals blended with stingy
amounts of obnoxious coffee,
6 days of absolution from amicable domains of family,
6 days of sedulous expeditions in packed to capacity commuter trains,
6 days of deprivation from a ravishing game of long tennis,
6 days of obliteration from revitalizing spray of the ocean,
6 days of conscious efforts to wear feckless and spurious smiles,
6 days of wandering in a claustrophobic ambience of lackluster paper,
6 days of monotonous salute to the disillusioning supremo,
6 days of dedicated projects; with eyes incorrigibly glued to the computer,
6 days of incessant perspiration dribbling down crisp shirt,
6 days of onerous struggle to compete with intellectuals,
6 days of nostalgia for peace; weighing heavily on mind,
6 days of obstreperous noise piercing through soft ear,
6 days of aching feet; with spasmodically restless back,
6 days of impatient sigh's and a perpetual longing for melodious sleep.
The seventh day finally did arrive,
I drew back multiple blinds in my apartment house ,
to let sizzling rays of dawn fumigate my persona,
slept late in the morning; oblivious to hassles of mundane work,
consumed barrels of enticing beer; nibbling fresh nut on the silver sands of
the beach,
languidly strolled a few miles with the pungent spray of the water,
stimulating my dreary eyes; as i candidly prayed to the Creator,
to bless me and my family with bountiful more Sunday's.
White skin folds hanging loosely,
curved tusks of ivory jutting from skull,
large ear flaps providing drafts of air,
scaring away hoards of flies,
big eyeballs shining in car light,
nasal apertures covered with secreted slime,
long tail attached to a fringe of hair,
projecting from recesses of fleshy hind-side,
hunched back resulting in slow walking pace,
black hooves stuck to leg cartilage,
working incessantly in undulating hot soil,
absorbing crisp rays of midday sun,
with metal liners fixed to its leg,
irrespective of age, time, health,
giving liters of milk in a single day,
squeezed out deftly from suspended teats,
living on mere grass, a pure herbivorous disposition,
sometimes sighted consuming sewage and paper,
eaten as tasty beef meat in some nations,
considered as sacrosanct on Indian soil,
given the status of milk yielding mother,
grazing quietly on grasslands of fertility,
with occasional baths in monsoon rain-ponds,
the Indian cow sure commands loads of respect.
Heavy metal iron welded to varnished wood,
burglar proof alarm installed to circular bell,
solid teak doors with automatic fasteners,
windows composed of shatter proof glass,
remote controlled maneuvering of gate entrance,
uniformed guards at several check-posts,
car driveway filled with thick gravel coats,
glass facaded greenhouse for manufacture of corn,
majestic pillar supporting ceiling plaster,
nurseries full of blooming flowers,
giant elevations of television screen,
crystal blue waters of swimming pool,
majestic masonry consisting of bare brick,
dark photochromatic rooms, artistic studios,
furniture pieces of polished mahogany wood,
t.v. monitors displaying round the clock guests,
sprawling neem trees with evergreen foliage,
shielding two storied structure from hazardous light,
tall stone walls encapsulating periphery,
luxurious bedrooms overlooking coastal waves,
crashing fiercely on black rock,
hoards of birds chirping in fading light,
impregnable barbed wire spitting electric shock,
galvanized iron gates sliding at entrance,
whispering denial to irate trespassers,
with the first rays of Sunlight lighting my face,
is the house I would like to posses,
the house of my dreams.
May God bestow upon you bountiful riches,
Bless you with all that is benevolent,
Reinforce your life with surplus number of living years,
Exempt you from all misdeeds you inadvertently committed,
Eradicate traces of hysterical agony from your heart,
Transform the bleary caricature of your face into one with sacrosanct smiles,
Freeze the tears which ooze profusely from your magical eyes,
Safeguard you against deathly mishaps and obnoxious falls,
Fill your belly with sumptuous food every unleashing minute of the day,
Quenching your thirst with immaculate water from volatile springs,
Clear evil mists obscuring your belligerent demeanor,
Evacuate the pointed thorns adhering solidly to your nimble feet,
Endow you with exorbitant charisma; infectiously drawing flocks of people,
Drive away forever; the vindictive ready to strangulate you,
Place you in an ostentatious palace flowing with philanthropic riches,
Revitalize your soul as the sun dazzles bright every dawn,
Gift you with the magical prowess of turning threadbare mud into gold,
Here's my friend; wishing you and all those born on this day,
A very celestially happy and gratifying birthday.
When I sat on it exerting my full weight; it squealed inaudibly permeating the stillness of atmosphere with feverish cacophony,
Nimbly revolving a few centimeters on the polished floor; eventually adjusting disconcertingly to the situation.
When I poked it with a conglomerate of pointed needles; it let out silent gasps,
The upholstery was now embedded with a plethora of incongruous holes; although
I could still spread my legs on it and sit.
When I emptied a barrel of fuming acid on it; it got severely butchered and uncouthly ripped apart,
The spongy foam now buckled under the slightest of my caress; and people who
visited my cabin perceived it as a minor bomb blast.
When I tried standing erect on it swirling rampantly to blaring tunes diffusing from the CD systems; it initially complied with my desire,
Although after a while I found myself adhering to the opposite wall of the room; as it had inevitably skidded and flung me like a discarded heap.
When I incorrigibly refrained to clean it; letting hordes of dust settle on its persona,
I had to suffer unrelentingly from sporadic bouts of thunderous coughing; with
the minuscule particles entering my nose.
When I washed it with freezing water in winter castigating for disobeying my
command; it appeared forlorn and meek in the beginning,
However when the next day I entered my office; there was a derogatory odor
intensely hovering in the air; also I saw a fleet of termite gnawing the soft wood with overwhelming relish.
When I endeavored to emboss script on its body; it incessantly rotated and shook; bouncing with gay abundance on its springs,
Driving me wild beyond the threshold of definable frustration; and I finally gave up on my persevering effort.
When I kicked it in its rear; exerting tumultuous force with my bohemian feet,
It placidly lay down topsy-turvy several paces further; and I had scrupulously
make sure whether all parts were intact; before relaxing on it again.
When I tried incinerating it; submerging it wholesomely in my left over alcohol; it caught flames which rose high and handsome towards the sky,
All that was now left of it was charred ashes; which I consummately used to
sprinkle as manure over my plants.
But let me tell you folks; I had enjoyed it the most; supremely relished its
company for marathon hours on the trot,
When I swung it tenaciously to and fro; with my feet languidly sprawled on the
table; my eyes partially closed; and my rocking chair virtually putting my into a mystical slumber.
When I rolled languidly in it; dabbling my feet as incoherently as I could,
The entire exterior of my skin acquired a brilliant yellow tinge; with satiny soft crusts of cream adhering to me in sticky unison.
When I made a pillow of it and slept; my head completely engulfed within the ravishing aroma of milk,
I relished the exorbitant softness; the mesmerizing effect of sponge in proximity with my dreary bones.
When I threw molds of it frivolously at my counterparts; splashing the same; exerting insurmountable force of my wrists,
They retreated back in utter disbelief trying to digest the incredulous turn of events; but in the end profoundly enjoyed the golden globules cascading slowly down their cheeks.
When I applied parsimonious amounts of it to the lackluster wall; smearing the
blend with equanimity using my incongruous hands,
The dilapidated room suddenly displayed fresh signs of illumination; an enchanting glow now permeated through the web of cloistered darkness.
When I rubbed it across my dry lips; vigorously spreading it all over till my fingers ached,
My smile now looked all the more accentuated with a rosy sheen; and my moustache radiated an everlasting perpetual glow.
When I dropped it inadvertently on the floor; not bothering to put it back in its compact container,
The scenario to witness the next morning was stupendously horrendous; as there was a battalion of black ants merrily sleeping; smacking their tentacles in satisfaction.
When I dipped my fountain pen in it; making sure that the entire frame remained submerged in for quite sometime,
I had tumultuous difficulty while writing script; as my fingers inevitably slipped; and I failed miserably to grasp the pen; let apart embossing literature with it.
When I tried dancing in it; slithering my body as freely as the mystical serpent,
I soon changed my visions about holistic life; as I toppled head on towards the ground; buckling under the island of frictionless wax.
When I scrubbed my scalp tenaciously with it; instead of using contemporary soap,
The aftermath caused my hair to shoot up in straight clusters; it was incorrigibly difficult to retain back their normal shape; and I resembled a lunatic having just landed from planet mars.
Although when I scrupulously coated it on my morning bread; roasting the dough
over rosewood logs inhabiting the fireplace,
My slab of peanut butter tasted the best; and I devoured mighty chunks to satiate my gluttony; licked every scrap of it adhering to the pellucid bottle.
It bore the acrimonious tyranny of scorching sun round the year; leaving bold footprints in the dust it tread,
Traversed incessantly through blistering soil; with sandy winds blowing across its eyes,
Ambled languidly in the brilliant day; increasing its pace a trifle at the onset of night,
Intermittently munched parrot green tentacles of rustic cactus; immensely relished the dry meal of leaf and thorn,
Occasionally rubbed its slender neck against the sandpaper skin of wild tree; raising its eyes toward the almighty residing in heaven,
Angrily swished the scanty clusters of hair on its tail; to drive away scores of petulant mosquitoes,
Wore a bedraggled rope dangling loose from its neck; a cushioned saddle riveted to its angular sculptured body; Intricate pieces of leather wound to its mouth; to maneuver it through labyrinth of routes,
Possessed a firm pair of hooves; which glistened all the more profoundly in the sunbeams and looked mesmerizing under the placid moon,
Had a slimy nose with gaping nostrils; which remained wet despite the acrid warmth irrevocably prevailing,
Spawned many of its kind; suckling its young ones utterly bereft of a cloistered shade,
Walked marathon distances in a single day; unrelentingly stepping on islands of steaming land,
Stooped down as much as it could; when confronted with tumultuous whirlpools blowing with full might,
Moaned in high pitched exuberance as it sighted a solitary stream; storing the water for months till it found a fresh source,
Gallantly fought an army of disdainful crabs; audaciously kicked loose rocks that came its way,
Seldom shed its tears; overwhelmingly inspiring those who feared life to come out of their nonexistent shells,
Had a passion to bask under the dazzling sun; thoroughly detested crystal blue patches in the sky being obfuscated by clouds,
It had remained as stoical as omnipotent god under the most bizarre of
circumstances; refraining to flounder under the pugnacious heat,
Was quite glad to adopt the sizzling silver sands as its companion for
even dreaming about the same while in deep sleep,
I offer my humble salutations to this silent warrior; as my hunch backed camel carries me through the colossal expanse of the Sahara desert.
I knew a guy named "angel"; who as his name suggests should have been as sacrosanct as gods residing in the cosmos,
However when one encountered him in pragmatic reality; he looked like an diabolical giant; with unruly strands of hair prominently cascading down his nape.
I knew a guy named "Tarzan"; who as his name suggests should have been as strong as the rocks; with a plethora of muscles bulging through his shirt,
However when I saw him transgressing across the road; he looked as feeble as the innocuous rabbit; trying to shirk society and retreat as quickly as possible into his den.
I knew a girl named "felicity"; who as her name suggested should have been basking in a river of perennial happiness,
However when I sat with her for marathon hours on the trot; I realized she was a misfit for her name; as she neither smiled nor moved; incessantly maintaining a face as expressionless as a stone.
I knew a guy named "prince"; who as his name suggested should have been embellished in an armory of exquisite diamonds and silver,
However when one saw him voraciously scratching his hair; he held a threadbare
container of steel to beg; wore scanty rags of paper to drape his shivering silhouette.
I knew a girl named "honey"; who as her name suggests should have been as sweet and melodious as the nectar oozing from beehives,
However when I sat beside her across the table; she irascibly hurled at me a volley of abashing expletives; burst on me unrelentingly like a pugnacious green chili.
I knew a guy named "love"; who as his name suggests should have been with a
congenial attitude; amicably propagating the essence of friendship,
However when I stumbled upon him suddenly at the discotheque; the first thing
he said was; he wanted to mercilessly kill the girl next door for rejecting his
proposal of illicit romance.
I knew a girl named "rose"; who as her name suggests should have been as mystical and enchanting as the mesmerizing flower,
However it was a fact that people shut their noses as she arrived; as she smelt of deplorable rotten eggs; intransigently spreading her aroma wherever she went.
I knew a guy named "crystal"; who as his name suggests should have been as scintillating as the conglomerate of silver mirrors,
However when I nudged by him on the street under the dazzling Sunlight; I
could hardly believe my eyes; as he appeared blacker than the blackest piece of coal existing on this earth.
On the other hand I knew a guy named "brownie"; who as his name suggests
should have been colored as disdainful mud,
However when I saw him addressing a large assemblage of people; I realized
that not only was he fair as white ice; but he had the charisma embedded in
him which few residing on this globe possess.
Therefore folks this is a question I put before you; tell me all of you what's there in a name; what's there to even contemplate about a name,
When the true beauty; the incorrigible spirit to live; the celestial feeling of benevolence and unbiased love; all lies impregnated in the throbbing heart.
When I placed it in my mouth; encircling my tongue all around it completely wetting its periphery,
The mercury inside rose meticulously to a holistic degree; perfectly indicating the exact temperature prevailing in my body.
When I placed it in boiling water; cooking neatly over dried logs of timberwood,
The mercury inside shot at alarming proportions; almost tearing through its fragile body; and as an aftermath wasn’t able to come down to its original position.
When I placed it amidst frozen cubes of white ice; making sure that it stood stringently upright,
The mercury inside couldn’t muster the slightest of tenacity to rise; it slept in its shell as if had died decades ago.
When I placed it in ploughed soil; abreast infinite numbers of freshly sown seeds,
The mercury inside nimbly rose a few millimeters; although it vehemently opposed for being subjected to maltreatment.
When I placed it in the baking oven; besides the scores of sizzling pancakes,
The mercury inside skyrocketed out of its shell; spread all over the pastry in intense indignation.
When I placed it in a silken web; with the gallant monster curiously inspecting the scintillating contraption,
The mercury inside was partially obscured from sight; it neither rose nor fell; although was a bit circumspect when the spider caressed it with its lips.
When It unwittingly slipped from my hands; colliding with a gentle thud on the obdurate ground,
The mercury inside pathetically leaked out of the instrument; and I feasted my eyes on its silver complexion blended with a captivating shine.
When I placed It in an alligators mouth; sandwiching it scrupulously between the monsters teeth,
The mercury inside seemed as if it simply wasn’t there; it had a died a fearful death even before I had opened the savage jaws of the beast.
When I placed under the palms of my beloved; letting her satiny hair cascade over its exteriors,
The mercury inside was as enthralled as I was; and it relished the prospect of rising to her perpetual warmth.
It was exquisitely sculptured; made of unbreakable glass; and had a handsome bulb of silver shining handsomely under the Sunlight,
And I made it a point of carrying it everywhere I went; had wholesomely given
the task of safeguarding my health; to my robust and crystalline thermometer.
He rambunctiously gallivanted through the dense shrubs; swirled at gay abandon
on extruding creepers of animate trees,
Tenaciously rubbed rotund pieces of flint stone; to incinerate a smokeless fire,
Feasted himself on clusters of ripened bananas; a conglomerate of wild apple and succulent fruit,
Viciously attacked savage beasts; strangulating the same by mercilessly grabbing their slender necks,
Garrulously gulped water from the fresh water springs; stooping as low as he could to submerge his face entirely in the ravishing water,
Philandered merrily through cloistered underground caves; basking in the gleam of the glittering gold coins; with his pet rattler wound round his neck,
Audaciously crept his hands into venomous spider webs; passionately fondling with its serrated tentacles,
Replicated the voices of a host of birds with astoundingly similarity; meticulously deciphering the meaning conveyed therein,
Clambered up with nonchalant ease; a cluster of tall trees with the uncanny agility of a mongoose,
Didn’t mind ravenous mosquitoes sucking his blood; inviting them chivalrously to bite his skin,
Intrepidly battled the hostile crocodile on the marshy swamps; snapping apart its jaws into minuscule fragments,
Had a severe abhorrence for alien tourists; marauding his privacy with a fleet of boats and contemporary contrivances,
Possessed infinite pairs of bulging muscles; which glistened magnificently under the golden sun,
Had incongruous wisps of long hair cascading freely down his back; abnormally
large peripheral eyes resembling the moon,
Ate sumptuous fish raw; after catching them from fathomless distances beneath the pellucid stream,
Rode bareback throughout the meandering forest; sitting majestically on the back of a striped panther,
Could stare unrelentingly at sun for hours; without flinching the slightest
portion of his lids,
Communicated adroitly with the wildlife circumventing; using a plethora of vibrant insinuations,
Had an armory of pearly teeth; which crept up enchantingly from under his luscious lips,
Was oblivious to the prevailing time; day and month of the unveiling year; wholesomely relying on the sun and moon to guide his way through,
He had been left years ago by his mother; amongst a cluster of savage wolves,
Suckled milk from the protuberant teats of his lion mother; sleeping quietly as an angel against her fur coated belly,
With a threadbare piece of loin cloth being his sole attire since times immemorial; he was adeptly christened by all as tarzan of the jungle.
I used to cut thick strands of the abysmally long rope; bifurcating it into commensurate halves,
Then use the same in hoisting out bulky loads from the sequestered well; fetch
water from the river standing on top of the lanky mountain.
I used it to adroitly scrape blotches of disdainful mud adhering to my shoe; evacuate the debris from inside the soles,
So when I wore my disheveled footwear the next time out; it appeared profoundly scintillating under the fiery body of Sun.
I used it to scrupulously tear pieces of gaudy cloth into thin strips; vibrantly displaying a host of vivid colors,
Then stuck them into my straw brimmed hat; wore a strap of snake leather; to
resemble the perfect cowboy.
I used to ruthlessly rip apart through pudgy chunks of plush upholstery; brutally extricating the sponge out,
In my frantic search for finding the missing jewels; apprehending the scores of nefarious criminals.
I used it to poke my beloved in the soft cartilage of her ribs; hovering it in the vicinity of her ear like a petulant mosquito,
Only to hear her anguished rebuking; the deliberately cold meals she served me for nocturnal supper.
I used it to tenaciously dig the fresh mounds of mud; making a plethora of inconspicuous holes in proximity of the plants,
Facilitating their accelerated growth; providing them with augmented space
to breathe.
I used it to spread the golden smear of butter on my morning bread; coherently
applying jam to my succulent fruit,
Thereafter Relishing my meal immensely; with sporadic beams of light falling
in shimmering pools on my dreary eyes.
I used it to frivolously prick inflated balloons; inserting it with meticulous
precision in their protuberant body,
Tremendously enjoyed the thunderous bang; the monstrous reverberations that
besieged the atmosphere as an inevitable aftermath.
I even used it sometimes as a substitute to my pen; dipping it extravagantly
in a bottle replete with blue blooded ink,
However it floundered to achieve the required proficiency; and it was an apathy to view the mangled lines of literature that I had scribbled on the finely
agglutinated paper.
But one thing was for sure; and I know all of you would ubiquitously agree with the same,
My pair of sharp scissors served me the best when I used it to trim the
unruly hair inhabiting my scalp; the deplorable strands of moustache waywardly
drooping down my chin,
Astoundingly transforming my demeanor from that of a bushy demon; to that of an impeccable God.
When I applied it on my eyes; rubbing it vigorously all around the intricately drooping lids,
It looked pretty sensuous with a frivolous aura circumventing my persona; although petulant sensations of itching started after some time had elapsed; and I removed it entirely with a coarse cloth.
When I smeared it gently across my scalp; it produced an inevitable tickling vibration all over;
The massage was revitalizing and terrific; although scores of people made a travesty of me outside; as my hair had converted from black to shades of effeminate pink.
When I dabbed it on the perspicuous surface of mirror; it produced incoherent smudges everywhere,
The silhouettes now displayed were considerably voluptuous; although when I
tried to sight my reflection in the glass it appeared to be a befuddled blur.
When I held it in the path of oncoming beams of stringent sunlight; it emitted out brilliant ramifications,
Imparted a prominently scarlet tinge to the golden rays; although it dramatically reduced the tenacity of light, which illuminated the cloistered darkness.
When I endeavored to scribble literature with it; the lines I embossed looked like written with pure blood,
The mundane sheet of paper suddenly appeared special; although I found it intractably difficult to read the script.
When I brushed it harshly against wet soil; inserting its tip fully into the mud,
That brought some vibrancy into the nondescript chunk of land; although it created monumental complications; as some pedestrians mistook it to be early insinuations of volcano erupting; and fled instantly for their lives.
When I held it close to my nostrils; substituting it for my antiseptic inhaler,
A poignantly ravishing aroma flooded my lungs; although after a few minutes I felt a sneeze about to thunderously emanate from the aperture of my mouth.
When I spread it commensurately across my armory of teeth; there were tingling reverberations that initially struck me,
With the buds in my tongue liking the sudden change in taste; although when I exposed them to the world while speaking; they shirked away from me in utter abhorrence; perceiving me to be a satanic devil.
When I caressed it across my morning bread instead of using conventional butter; the dough looked immensely appetizing,
Seeming as if someone had stashed it full of succulent cherry; although when I ate; I felt an insurmountable urge to puke out the same.
I must mention though I realized its optimum value after rubbing it on the lips of my beloved; blending it scrupulously with her saliva when she pursed them,
She looked like a mesmerizing fairy and it now became inevitable for me to kiss her; savoring the flavor of her delectable lips as well as my rotund bar of lipstick.
22. BALD
I didn’t need shampoo to clean my scalp; instead a glass of tainted water could excellently do the job,
On the other hand you required tones of bubbly froth to cleanse your hair; evacuate the petulant granules of dandruff neatly entrapped between your follicles.
I didn’t need gleaming hair oil to smear on my head; all I had to do was clap it loudly with my bohemian palms,
On the other hand you required swanky ointments; antiseptic creams to keep the
conglomerate of your hair well in place.
I didn’t need scintillating scissors to use on my scalp; it would appear wholesomely ludicrous even if I held one in close proximity with it,
On the other hand you required a plethora of sharp instruments; pairs of intricate razors; in order to occasionally trim the unruly tentacles of your hair.
I didn’t need a brush to part my scalp; as it nimbly obliged to my scrubbing it with a dust cloth,
On the other hand you required a luxuriously serrated comb; to Meticulously
entangle the incorrigible knots formed in your long hair.
I didn’t need to camouflage my scalp with a taut piece of cloth every time I
ventured out; as there was no danger of the wind blowing it away,
On the other hand you required to embellish yourself with a grandiloquent cap;
a host of flapping sunshades; in order to ensure that the thin wisps of your
hair didn’t rip apart with the tenacious breeze.
I didn’t need to incessantly browse my hands through my scalp; while attending
pompous parties,
On the other hand you required to sporadically run your fingers against your
cuticles; making sure that they remained stringently aligned.
I didn’t need to wash my scalp after bathing in the saline ocean; instead let
it to dry over a natural course of time,
On the other hand it was inevitable for you to stand beneath a steaming shower; to annihilate all the poignant salt trapped in your greasy hair.
I didn’t need to consume a battalion of salubrious vitamins to make my scalp
glisten; simply standing under the blazing sun itself; granted it an enchanting shine,
On the other hand you desperately required to procure every tonic available in
the market; to impregnate an artificial luster in your lifeless hair.
I didn’t need to submerge my scalp into ravishing cologne to get noticed;
people profoundly admired the openness of my head wherever I went,
On the other hand you used to apply the most enticing of gel on your lackadaisical hair; and yet remained unnoticed.
I didn’t need to coat my scalp with black chemicals; intermittently apply a
blend of paint and water to keep it in shape,
On the other hand you were exorbitantly conscious about the greyness in your
hair; painting it with brilliant dye; remained busy all day trying to pluck the
insipid strands of white.
Therefore it is my earnest prayer to you O! omnipresent Creator; to create me
without hair for the next 100 births; if I fortunately took birth on this soil as man,
For I considered myself infinite times luckier to remain bald; than suffer
from the unrelenting tyranny of possessing clusters of bushy hair.
It contained infinite lines of embossed literature; printed with blackest ink one could find,
It contained innumerable adages highlighting real life situations; a jugglery of frivolous cartoons,
It contained a brief report portraying prevalent weather; an accurate analysis of the total rain,
It contained a column incorporating the price of gold and silver; the erratic fluctuations of the stock market,
It contained a page for entertainment; indicating the latest releases on silver screen as well as the alluring serials to be telecast on television,
It contained an enthusing section on sports; the current positions of teams battling it out sedulously around the globe,
It contained critical issues on the world of pragmatic politics; a daily update on the leaders who sculptured the nation,
It contained items about wide spread burglaries; a discerning insight into the lives of the crime lords,
It contained bountiful sections on fashion and glamour; blatantly revealing the most contemporary trends in the nation,
It contained elements of medical science; the astronomical advancements in the field of intricate surgery,
It contained condensed biographies of living legends; the revered historians who left an accentuated mark in this world,
It contained an amalgamated space for ludicrous jokes; instilling loads of levity in the atmosphere,
It contained battalion of advertisements; with newly opened companies endeavoring to lire as big a market as they possibly could,
It contained a rectangular space for sacrosanct quotes; a conglomerate of sagacious axioms from the holy bible,
It contained flash reports about outbursts of sporadic violence in city; cautioning all concerned to stay confined to their homes,
It contained indispensable information about the intensely afflicted; trying to propagate the message of ecumenical brotherhood and peace,
It contained animated pictures of wild animals; a sneak into the mystical life encompassing the dense jungles,
It contained a bulk of segments exhibiting local news; the rise and fall of luminaries in the town,
It contained all those things which were inevitable to know; in order to prudently survive in this world,
And I preferred reading it rather than watching the commercial news; as my newspaper emanated delectably crisp noises as I browsed; also I could even
scrutinize it any time of the day if I so desired.
It imparted an incredulously tangy taste to my tongue; embedding its flavor in the remotest corners of my mouth,
Made irrefutably sure that I emanated a ravishing aroma all day; without the
tyranny of brushing my garden of pointed teeth.
It engendered me to produce loads of saliva; spitting it intermittently on concrete pavements,
Changed the complexion of my voice from a rustically hoarse and sonorous; to
one which was sweet American slang.
It served as an excellent alternative to passing time; as I painstakingly rolled it behind my lips,
Molding it into a plethora of shapes before eventually gulping it; occasionally protruding some part of it in the outside air.
It had the ability to incorrigibly stick to strands of my hair; unceremoniously sticking between the silken follicles,
Resisting all attempts to come out when I plucked; with the only option remaining was mercilessly tonsuring my scalp with a barbaric razor.
It fomented an incessant flow of tingling sensations in my persona; producing a host of slurping noises as I talked,
Impregnated my body with a feeling of perpetual contentment; reigning supreme over all other existing taste.
It intractably blended with my intestines when I inadvertently swallowed it; resting peacefully like a parasitic leech,
And despite frantic attempts on my part to drive it out; didn’t extrude as I expurgated my bowels.
It proved to be an indispensable commodity while in business meetings; easing
tumultuous tension from my nerve-racked mind,
Helping me divert my attention sporadically; envisage and chalk new policies with loads of innovative precision.
It caused me to slip when adhering to the rough floor; losing my balance awkwardly as I unconsciously tread on,
Although I didn’t rebuke or castigate it vehemently; as I found myself lying on the celestial feet of my sweetheart.
It impregnated a chirpy aura to my demeanor; making me superficially perceive
years beyond my age,
And the best thing about it was that it formed a gigantic bubble when I dexterously inflated it; blowing slim draughts of air trapped in my chest,
As it snapped with a thunderous bang into multiple fragments; which was all
that was now left of my rectangular bar of chewing gum.
It glistened magnificently under the brilliant sun; resembling the enigmatic
and mystical angel,
It shimmered majestically under the fluorescent beams of moon; looking like the swirling waves of sea eventually culminating into froth,
It wavered rampantly with the gusty breeze; occasionally snapping apart some of its flocculent threads,
It nonchalantly greeted the inclement rain; thoroughly despising fat globules of water striking against its flimsy silhouette,
It trapped scores of innocuous insects in its viscous womb; a plethora of young fledglings who tried to permeate its territory,
It was firmly riveted to bifurcated branches of rustic trees; enmeshing a host of boisterous termites who dared try and butcher it,
It had boundless strands of silk; interwoven at incongruous distances of space,
Its beauty appeared all the more accentuated at ephemeral dawn; with hazy rays
of light marking its incoherently rotund periphery,
It feasted and supremely relished a meal of blood sucking bat; which inadvertently got ensnared flying haphazardly in the night,
It was embossed with tinges of dull gray; with its color appearing almost invisible to the unsuspecting intruder,
It also inhabited residential dwellings; a cluster of cloistered places and dilapidated mansions being its hot favorite,
It got mercilessly blown away in thunderous storms; who dismantled it from its
very roots without the slightest of respite,
It was wholesomely silky in complexion; with its long follicles partially engulfed by poisonous juices,
It looked ominous in the ambience of open space; and yet at the same time was
a treat to admire for the scientist and philanderer,
It was profoundly oblivious to sound; the only thing it relied on being nimble
sensations of touch,
It itself didn’t posses the slightest of odor; the only scent that wafted from its demeanor was that of incarcerated prey,
It was a dreadful nuisance for housewives; who didn’t spare it the moment they
sighted it; swapping it uncouthly with their tall broomsticks,
It was virtually found inhabiting all corners of the globe; not sparing the even the most immaculate of corner,
And the most incredulous thing about it was that it impregnated a potbellied spider; which was ever ready to unsparingly gobble any palpable organism that got caught,
Which hereby concludes the story of the network of satiny threads which
formed the silver cobweb.
If there was water on the surface of dry leaves; they would look superbly mesmerizing; glistening profoundly under the Sun,
If there was water on mud coated wall; there would be a ravishing scent that permeated the adulterated air,
If there was water on vegetables lying sprawled in a forlorn heap; they would bounce back to boisterous life; retrieving the plethora of minerals they had lost in the blistering heat,
If there was water on fossils languidly scattered in obsolete territories of the dormant volcano; they would perspicuously depict the mysteries of the past; besides shimmering magnificently under the moon,
If there was water on wild buds of jungle mushroom; the unruly shoots would sparkle tenaciously; drawing millions of mouths towards them to satiate their famished taste buds,
If there was water on a battalion of acrimonious thorns; their tips would get dramatically softened; making them flounder in their conquest of
mercilessly puncturing soft skin,
If there was water on scalp hair; their bedraggled texture would miraculously transform into immaculately polished,
If there was water on the obdurate foam of bed; there would be an unprecedented cool that besieging the ambience; and I would find it astoundingly easy to fall into a invincible siesta,
If there was water on pairs of chapped lips; they would look irrefutably voluptuous and longing to be kissed,
If there was water on the scorched soil of arid desert; the surrounding wildlife would get substantial reprieve from sweltering storms of heat,
If there was water on rampant flames of fire ominously rising up by the zipping second; the occupants inside would be saved from the tyranny of being burnt alive,
If there was water on the elevation of dusty window panes; they would suddenly
glitter in animation; explicitly exposing the panoramic view outside,
If there was water on the river bed; scores of children would gleefully toss
in it; splashing it frivolously on passing pedestrians,
If there was water on clusters of scarlet rose; they would diffuse a blissful
fragrance penetrating the claustrophobic environment with a reinvigorating aroma,
If there was water on feathers of the majestic peacock; it had the potential to circulate waves of rhapsody even in the veins of a dying man; when the bird unfurled its wings to a complete blossom,
If there was water on soiled cloth; incorrigible stains would be indiscriminately exonerated; and the fabric would now resemble an impeccable white,
If there was water on the serrated skin of chameleon; it would appear more
rubicund while wandering indefatigably through the bushes,
And If there was water on the inverted eyelashes of my beloved; she would look
like a goddess bathed in exquisite gold,
And let me tell you friends it was very easy for us to unflinchingly achieve
the above mentioned; if only we learnt to save and judiciously preserve water,
As its every droplet is inevitably worth a million; for it is the source of all life beside us; an indispensable fuel to rejuvenate the depleted reservoir of our energy; water is precious.
It dangled freely from my collar; gently caressing my belly as it cascaded down,
It fluttered vivaciously in the rustic breeze; voluptuously tingling the fabric of my crisp shirt,
It rose and fell sporadically as I incessantly took wild draughts of ravishing
breeze into my lungs,
It imparted me loads of compassionate warmth; as the biting cold air struck be inevitably in my chest,
It portrayed a strikingly vivid picture; against the backdrop of pure white linen; in which I was adorned,
It bifurcated my demeanor into commensurate compartments; subtly sequestering
me from being called pot-bellied,
It granted an uncanny tautness to the scruff of my neck; inundated in me a feeling of being on my heels; and rampantly on the prowl,
It sometimes provided me reprieve from my running nose; as I blew it thunderously into the fluff; where it settled inconspicuously and contented at the rear,
It majestically camouflaged an armory of disdainful buttons; neatly intermingling with the buckle of my belt,
It danced merrily in perfect synergy with my body; as I gyrated the entire night to tunes of pulsating music,
It revealed pompous shades of my personality; gave my visage multiple opportunities to stand shoulder to shoulder with the exorbitantly rich,
It appeared as an silken angel; having a profound aura of its own; amidst a host of other garb surrounding it,
It felt as light as a pigeon feather; yet was the mightiest ornament bestowing impetus upon my diminutive stature,
It often protected me form acrid sunlight; as I adroitly removed it; tied it on my scalp as a cool and flabby bandanna,
It succumbed to my desires of whipping; when I thrashed it in free space; producing an ensemble of exotic noises,
It served as an excellent tool to play; when I curled it into an incongruous ball; tossed it mischievously towards my mesmerizing girlfriend,
It proved as a towel on infinite occasions; when the actual napkin became obsolete and was nowhere to be found,
It had been on my persona since decades; providing me that tinge of sophistication that I had perennially desired,
But more importantly than anything; it had fulfilled my desire of being a complete man; gloriously projecting me to the existing society,
SO now you tell me folks what more could I expect out of a short stub of
slippery garment; which we christen today in contemporary terminology as an
immaculate tie ?
The birds on the trees screeched hysterically; permeating the atmosphere with their shrill ringing,
Cars on the streets swerved wildly; clashing head on with the electric poles,
Children studying diligently in school; rushed out in a frenzy from the building,
Women busy chatting in shopping malls; froze in their footsteps; drowned wholesomely in the chaotic pandemonium,
Infants crawling innocuously on the floor started to cry incessantly; banging
their diminutive fists against the table,
Businessmen contemplating the intricacies of market; dropped their money; galloped like a boisterous kangaroo for life,
The meticulous bus conductor forgot to halt at stops; speeded the vehicle; whizzing like a demon through the placid countryside,
People languishing in the pool with the sun sizzling their frigid skin; sprinted to seek shelter in the dense jugglery of bush as the last resort,
Clusters of teenagers painstakingly sucking ice-candy; devoured it in a single gulp; sacrificing all pleasure and relish,
Dogs barking vociferously at unsuspecting strangers; subdued their voices to mellowed yawns,
The barber who was leisurely trimming scalp hair; plucking a thin strand at a time; scraped apart the entire beard; in a state of bewilderment; infinite beads of sweat trickling down his nape,
The petrified scientists in their state of agony; inadvertently launched space shuttles well ahead of the scheduled time,
The pop star dancing like an angel to pulsating tunes; collapsed with a thud on the floor like soggy matchsticks,
Security guards deployed on the border; fled helter-skelter using every iota of their imbibed skill; to salvage immediate shelter,
Doctors in their clinics took potent pills for palpitation; to pacify their volcanically throbbing hearts,
Fishes swimming majestically in imprisoned aquariums; slithered like never before; to the vibrations of passionate tension,
Mosquitoes profoundly engrossed in sucking ripe blood; left in a hurry; flying to unprecedented heights of the ceiling,
The spider raced several times in its web; feeling the insurmountable agony bursting in its tentacles,
The artist sketching panoramic valleys; almost swallowed the brush in his mouth; made a sheer travesty of the image in nervous excitement,
The prime minister articulately delivering the speech in his sonorous voice; disdainfully dropped the mike,
The sun rays winked a little from their blazing shine; the winds blowing across roads shivered inexplicably,
It was a complete mayhem out there; as the 10 foot long leopard escaped from caged bars; gallivanted like a king through the busy traffic lanes; and a single growl from the beast had people proclaiming in all directions of the; man eater at large .
I waited ardently all night and day to imprison your tiny grace; enticing you with my balls of tangy cheese,
I inhabited the most illuminated corner of the room; so that you could sight me in profound traces of white light,
I greedily glimpsed the minuscule of your intricate movement; fervently following your diminutive silhouette like a panther on the prowl,
I surreptitiously envisaged countless strategies to torment you; inevitably opening my lid a trifle in insurmountable agony,
I incessantly relished the bouncy pairs of springs in my body; the soft chunks of sponge sprawled in haphazard disharmony in my gleaming cage,
I had this sole ambition to trap you in my present life; with my mind indefatigably revolving round the contours of your pertinent body,
I was partly impaired from crystalline vision;witnessed the outside world as an partially obfuscated haze through my myriad of bars and rods,
I was procurable at threadbare rates from the market; with people generally wading their hands as far from me; as consummately possible,
I shivered in the freezing cold every night; while my master had a smashing time sandwiched handsomely under the gorgeously woven exquisite quilt,
I was wholesomely illiterate since infantile birth; the only name that I ruthlessly chanted each second was yours; impatiently awaiting to savagely besiege you,
I had remained starved since fathomless decades; feasting on only bottomless perceptions of rubicund flesh,
I got barbarically kicked infinite times in a single day; with people washing their feet soon after with the strongest of medicinal herb; instead of depicting traces of poignant empathy,
I didn’t need a single penny for survival; bore the brunt of drought and flood with overwhelming equanimity on my rusty body,
I hardly knew what day of the month it was; with a battalion of red ant and irascible termites crawling freely on my slippery hinges,
I had a disdainfully obnoxious stench emanating from my soiled demeanor; was repugnant to whomsoever who had his eyes on my dilapidated condition,
I stood just a few inches above the ground; always feeling overpowered by all entities who trespassed heavily through the cold ground,
I harbored dirt and fetid filth all throughout my existence; wistfully hoping for you to stealthily pass by my side,
And I might just appear to be an empty container of junky iron; rotting in the realms of unprecedented agony and solitary gloom,
But mind you "Mouse"; I the "Mouse Trap" have always wanted to gobble you all my life; and once you were in my custody you little scoundrel; try as hard as you can; let even the sky come down on earth; But this time I wont let you out.
He served umpteenth a dish at the bark of a crisp command; with twin pair of eyes focused dead straight towards the table,
Nimbly took a plethora of orders; from famished customers to satiate their gluttony,
Made frequent rounds to the kitchen; conversing loquaciously with the rotund chef,
Greeted all those who entered the hotel; with an amicably appearing congenial smile,
Instigated his fellow counterparts; to bustle back to work; reciting to them a rustic joke,
Scrupulously cleaned the dishes after they were rampantly used; picking up the most inconspicuous of loiter from the floor,
Meticulously arranged the armory of crimson rose in their respective jars; made sure that all candles rose up to a handsome flame,
Ran instantaneously to the sound of tinkling bells over the counter; glued his vision towards the screen flashing multiple items of food,
Occasionally listened to a volley of hostile expletives from his clients; for not adhering immaculately to requirements of their taste,
Was immensely pleased at witnessing the exorbitantly affluent; envisaging the fat tips they would bestow upon his impoverished persona,
Shivered incessantly in the biting cold; clad in threadbare minimum of cloth to drape his demeanor,
Voraciously sketched a battalion of faces; sitting on his bohemian stool; in his spare time,
Swayed articulately to beats of pulsating music at intermittent intervals; to reinvigorate his dreary passengers,
Hoisted innocuous toddlers high in the air; dexterously catching them single handed; to grant ailing mothers some reprieve from the tyranny of their children,
Had gladly incorporated a list of appetizing dishes; as his daily jargon; sometimes inadvertently whispering the names of cooked items in his dreams,
Magnificently controlled his temper; trying to avoid the most minuscule of altercation if possible,
Worked like a clockwork machine; inexorably all throughout the monotonous day,
Slept in a cloistered room all chilly night; profoundly detesting the next day to unveil; the nondescript rigmarole of taking orders,
Wore a flabby cap; shielding his rubicund face; a neat tie dangling unsolicitedly from his collar,
There were tears gushing from his eyes when I addressed him by his first name; for he was literally oblivious to all other sounds; except for that dreaded voice stringently calling him waiter come here please.
If my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would wander thousands of kilometers in the day,
Driving at roaring speeds through the broad highway streets; drowned in waves of tremendous euphoria.
If my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would stop contemplating the cost of expensive gasoline,
Explore every nook and cranny of the gigantic globe; would prefer to drive; every time I was overpowered with the incorrigible urge to walk.
If my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would evacuate the monsoon rivers of their liquid,
Storing it surreptitiously in my colossal tank; pilfer every droplet of the solvent dribbling from the mountain springs.
If my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would relinquish to travel by the most extravagant of aircraft,
Thoroughly utilizing my incredulous contraption; to transport me wherever I wanted; without the slightest pinch to my pocket.
If my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would never feel uncouth pangs of thirst reverberate in my vocal chords,
As I would devour frugal mouthfuls of the liquid stashed in my fuel jacket; at intermittent intervals while traversing through the streets.
If my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would make frequent visits to the gushing jungle stream,
Swimming rambunctiously in the same; withdrawing as much water as I could while gleefully returning.
If my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would camouflage my automobile with coarse sheets of sprawling canvas,
Would impregnate it with all the amenities indispensable for life; inhabit it unrelentingly all day and night; while rolling on the roads.
If my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would save astronomical sums of money,
Investing the same in diversified arenas of life; gain in insight and loads of experience while transgressing through mesmerizing parts of the world.
If my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would get reprieve from obnoxious stench of the elixir,
Instead have the ravishing aroma of fresh water waft into my nostrils; encompassing my persona with waves of enchantment.
And if my car could run on pure water instead of petrol; I would sleep like a diabolical demon all night; released from the onerous tensions of ruminating over price hikes,
Travel all sunlit day in my luxurious caravan with my beloved in close proximity; now completely oblivious to the hour when I had last filled disdainful petrol.
When I curled it slightly with my fingers it resembled the angular horns of the placid cow; standing up in alacrity,
Shimmering vibrantly in the sunshine; with unruly bristles of hair protruding out rampantly from umpteenth quarters.
When I combed it scrupulously with a serrated brush; it settled to perfectly commensurate proportions,
Adhering amicably to my lips; appearing as sedate as an angel having long gone off to sleep.
When I applied exorbitant coats of sweet honey on it; it acquired profound tinges of enchanting amber,
There wafted a heavenly aroma into my nostrils; also a scores of irksome red ants crawled to relish the paradise.
When I rubbed it against the naked cheek of my beloved; it engendered a plethora of scarlet blemishes,
She blushed heavily in consternation; and there were infinite tingling sensations impregnated all over her persona.
When I refrained to trim it all along the unveiling week; it proliferated untidily in clusters,
My face now appeared like that of a passionate buffoon; and it seemed as if I had relinquished all interest in life.
When I breathed vigorously into it expending my lungs to full capacity; it wavered a little; disconcertingly perturbed by the onslaught,
Retorted back in intense indignation; prompting me to scratch my skin till it virtually bled.
When I swished at it wildly with my tongue; feverishly caressing a battalion of blades in the process; it didn’t seem to mind the least,
Stuck diligently to my flesh in an amalgamated heap; sedately slept for a few hours until the saliva dried.
When I rubbed it frivolously during business meetings; it seemed to have a psychological influence in calming my frayed nerves,
Substantially eased tumultuous tension from my mind; granting me a winning edge over my adversaries.
When I let sweat dribble profusely into it; feebly attempting to resist the flow; it looked all the more handsome,
With the full light of the sun accentuating its drooping periphery; and the aftermath made me feel like a real man.
But when I tonsured it inadvertently; completely annihilating it from my silhouette; I appeared comically distorted; with a feminine disposition inevitably descending on my demeanor,
Although I considered myself as extremely lucky and blessed; as my moustache once again grew into bushy clusters rapidly a few days after shaving; and I thereby took a solemn pledge of never plucking it again.
The moment was to rejoice; to uninhibitedly forget the sorrows of a lecherously non-existent past,
The moment was to distribute sweets and cookies of all shapes and sizes; to far and distant across the fathomless living planet,
The moment was to culminate into a fountain of tantalizing freshness; with a healing spray that magically caressed even the most minutest of hearts,
The moment was to perpetuate every bit of savage blackness around; with the rays of ecstatically newborn and unfettered hope,
The moment was to liberate from the sins of a morose past life; gloriously expedite towards the Sun of a brand new tomorrow,
The moment was to have several rounds of heartiest congratulations and best wishes all around; with tears of celestial happiness rolling down the cheeks,
The moment was the most unassailably privileged one; one which had the world waiting since so maddeningly long,
The moment was of a sole triumphant winner; with the entire battlefield lying otherwise sordid; desolate; decrepit and dry,
The moment beckoned for time to ultimately stop; as happiness of such a magnitude would never ever unfurl; and in such pulsating beats on this planet,
Most importantly than anything else; the moment now was of my friends birthday; who not only called me Friend by formal introduction; but considered me his mortal friend at each beat of innermost soul and heart.
For me; it was a blissful messiah; as I scribbled boundless lines of exquisitely spell binding literature; with its exotically scintillating nib,
For the butcher; it was his daily bread and butter; as he immaculately sliced hideously distorted bones and meat with its sparkling edge; to optimally gratify his endless repertoire of famished customers,
For the bird; it was an infinitesimal chunk that imparted all the holistic fortification required to her divinely nest; sequestered her innocuous siblings; from gruesomely torrential showers of; tumultuously acrimonious rain,
For the cyclist; it was his ultimate exhilaration to ebulliently lead life; as he insatiably galloped on its shimmeringly rotund strips all night and day; frolicked in the aisles of unprecedented desire; till the time he lived,
For the prisoner; it was his most maniacally depressing stages of existence; as he remorsefully wailed behind its tyrannical monotony; wholesomely helpless to surge even an inch forward,
For the edifice; it was its harmoniously unassailable strength; handsomely blended with glorious ingredients of cement and concrete; magnanimously supporting it
against the most heinous of earthquake; and cataclysmic tornado’s,
For the nomad; it was an irascibly pertinent thorn; as it proved to be an ominous misnomer amidst the naturally bountiful foliage; sporadically grazing past the contours of his innocent face and feet; to inflict brutal scabs of viciousness,
For the ship; it was an indispensable angel of incredulously compassionate solidarity; as it held fathomless tons of cargo and kin on its base; churned ahead like a royal prince; unflinchingly even amongst a diabolical battalion of whales and sharks,
For the watch; it was the most glittering tool of success; as it incessantly ticked to candidly divulge scrupulously unveiling time; sagaciously admonished one and all regarding; the cracking of mesmerizing dawn; and the perils of the vindictively
sultry night,
For the dog; it was an elusively ghastly witch; as it broke all his gorgeous fortress of teeth; every time he greedily mistook it; for his robustly tantalizing dinner,
For the lake; it was an abhorrently dreaded monster; as it invidiously infiltrated into its satiny bed; horrendously corrupting the celestial synergy; of its blissfully bequeathing soul,
For the diamond; it was the most barbaric giant on earth alive; as it indefatigably yearned for diffusing grandiloquent glitter and voluptuous aura; incarcerated by all humans behind its morbidly dolorous walls,
For the bloodstream; it was a deleteriously gory impediment; as it slowly corroded and dissipated its disgusting toxins; in the poignantly ecstatic and unending balcony of intricate veins,
For the castle; it was a miraculous savior of vivacious life; as it guarded the grandeur all perilous night with its treacherously serrated periphery; while the Kings and Queens snored impregnably to their hearts content,
For the singer; it was the most priceless possession of her life; as she timelessly held its sparkling body near her melodious throat; reaching the divinity in her enchanting voice; to spell bound audiences; far and wide across the trajectory of this
fathomless planet,
For the teacher; it was the most inevitable tool that he could ever posses; as he controlled countless unruly and rambunctious students; with a single swish of its menacingly bludgeoning swirl,
For the patriot; it was a blessing in blissful disguise; as he majestically held it to confront the most lecherously advancing enemies; beheaded diabolically heinous traitors; with its satanically sharp and shimmering edge,
For the laborer; it was an unfathomably insidious burden; as he fulminated into a river of painstaking perspiration; bearing its disgracefully overwhelming load; upon his nimbly impoverished back,
O! Yes; A blessing in heavenly disguise for some; while the most goriest curse of existence for those frugally remaining; A priceless charm for some; while the most insipid anecdote in life for those synergistically surviving; was the one and only; black
since the very first cry of birth; biscuit of black iron
The End .