Hey Sweetheart
There's nothing better than feeling your hand in mine
The warmth of your body creating massive heat against mine
Getting quiet and hearing your heart beat next to mine
Still getting nervous when we go out
Not in a bad way, but because it still feels like I've won the lottery
How did I get so lucky with you
What have I done to deserve your kindness
To deserve the priveledge to see your smile every awakening moment
Maybe if I went back in time and we met sooner
Maybe I could have been there to support you then as well
Give you every bit of love that my heart, body, mind and soul can produce
I'll make you smile at any cost
Hearing your laugh gives me relief
Especially when I thought I messed up
Or even mad at me
Because I would not want to lose you
I will continue to treat you like you deserve
You're my joy and my grace
My ray of sunshine as some may say
Hearing your heartbeat is as soothing as can be
Hearing your body keeping you alive with me
You are my gift and I am yours
You are what completes my being
All you give me every day,
Is sweet relief that I didn't end it all before you came
Because my beloved sweetheart,
As long as you stay with me and our future family,
There's nothing better than you and me