Hey Beautiful
Hey Beautiful
We used to stare at the stars
We’d sit and talk
You wanted me to come over every night
You could only fall asleep in my arms
Now I can’t fall asleep without you in my arms
When I do, I dream about you
I’ve dreamt about you nearly every night this week.
You told me not to fall in love with you
But I did
I kept it to myself
Because you’re the type of girl that’s afraid to fall in love
And I’m the type of guy to write code on his arms and freak out about it
The type of guy to sit on top of his car and wait for two hours
Hoping you’ll show up
You told me you didn’t want to fall in love with me
But you did
You kept it to yourself.
Being without you
Not knowing how you’re doing
Causes my anxiety to spike
I drive up the mountain and stare at the stars to relieve it
I scream at God and beg
Beg that you’ll come back to me
At the end of the summer
Like you pinky promised.
It’s August now
And what I’ve been waiting for is almost here
I don’t know what’s going to happen
So close yet so far
I’m terrified
I love you
I Wanna Be Yours.