I'm all alone on this rainy, cold and empty street.
Where have you gone?
Do you still care about me?
Look i see a light on!
I'm limping up to the door hoping to find you there.
A lady opens up the door, and picks me up and hugs me.
She calls me you poor thing.
She asks where's your owner and she begins to look me over.
I begin to whimper as she looks me over
I hold my shaking paw up and she touches it a little,
I squirm and whine, and when she pulls her hand back and sees red on her fingers.
She quickly calls for someone to bring her a towel right away.
Someone i didn't get the chance to see brings the towel.
The lady wraps me up and takes me to a vehicle and takes off with me.
We drive for what seems like hours on end.
All the time in my head im thinking this is just a dream.
She stop at a building which on I cannot remember.
I black out. When i wake i'm back with the lady and there's a stange circular object infront of me with something that smells good.
I try to get up and I fall over.
I look down at my paws and i see that one is wrapped up tight and i cannot move it.
I try to bite the wrapping but it hurts my teeth and I whimper.
The lady comes over and pushes the cicular object towards me.
I tentatively sit up and sniff it, then i dig in and i eat my fill.
I realize what's happened.
I was left for dead, abandoned on the street by my master.
But this kind hearted lady took me in and she became my hero.