The first thing I feel when coming into this unruly world.
Noise fills my ears as beeping and voices fill the room.
I think they are happy
But I am not.
I miss the warmth from which I had left,
I miss the beat that would soothe me,
I miss her.
Is the light that blinds me as my eyes open.
The hands that held me no longer did as I was met by a smile.
Held in another's arms I felt warm.
Pressed against a soft chest I felt a beat,
Her beat.
No longer did I hear the sound of voices or beeping
Just her.
I love her.
The first thing I felt on a cool September morning.
Noise fills my ears as my neighbors play their games.
I think they are happy,
But I am not.
I want to feel the wind blow through my face as I ride my bike,
I want to zoom down the block with her watching me.
But she isn’t here.
I miss her.
Is the light from the Sun that blinds me.
The bike that was under was now at my side after falling.
I feel cold, but not long for I could see her watch through the window.
She comes to my rescue
Smile on her face and bandage in hand.
Pressed against her soft chest I feel her beat.
No longer did I hear the voices of children or feel the pain from my fall
Just her
I love her.
Is how I imagine it will feel in the stadium for my ceremony
Noise will fill the air as fellow classmates and families reminisce over the years.
I’ll think they are happy,
But I won’t be.
I want to be able to give the graduation speech without fault,
I want to have her by my side to comfort me,
But she won’t be there.
She’ll be in the crowd full of people.
I’ll miss her
Will be the spotlights from the ceiling shining down on me.
The classmates I once sat next to in class will sit in front of me.
I’ll scan the crowd and fall upon the bright smile that I first saw in this world.
The smile that has guided me through my years,
The smile that I need,
She will embrace me after with that smile on her face.
Pressed against her soft chest I will feel her beat.
All noise will be blocked out as I hear her,
The beat that I have known for years
Just her
I love her and all I need is her.