Hello Wind
Hello, can you hear me?
I hear you, in all your glory
You whisper in my ears
But I don't mind, because it's nice
You keep me cool sometimes
You remind me what it's like to breathe
I feel you around even now
At least I know I'm not alone
No, I'm never alone
They say you're a good influence
The only problem is
They can't see you
Well no one can
Not even me
But why do I need to?
You're around all the time.
Whistling all these beautiful songs in my ears
It makes me feel like things will look up
That not everything is hopeless
Maybe that’s why I always feel better
You signify the days to come
You taught me that nothing is perfect
That everything comes with a price
But I just don’t understand
Sometimes, when I don’t need you, you’re there.
And when I do need you, you’re not.
And sometimes we bump into each other by mistake
And although I can’t see you,
I know you’re there.
It’s like I’m blind
But I can see
Just not you, obviously
But I can feel you
I can feel what you feel
I feel the guilt of yesterday
I feel the confusion today brings
I feel the excitement of tomorrow
I feel the shudders you release
As if you can’t contain it yourself
I want to see you
I want to talk to you
I want to feel you
I want to love you
I want to know who you are
But of course I can’t
I almost forgot who I was talking to
Or should I say what
Because all you are is wind to me
Just wind
The kind that leaves
The kind that never looks back
All you are is wind
All you’ll ever be is wind
So thank you for making me look so cool.
I thought we had something
But I guess I was wrong
You tell me of how our friendship is beyond compare
Yet, you can’t show yourself.
What’s there to hide?
But of course I’m overreacting
Because now I’m the crazy one.
I’m the storm now
And you’re nothing but a light breeze
Blowing a downy feather into the world