Hello Generaiton Y


My friends, how do you portray us?

The world says we’re cruel, evil, and rough

It says we’re ruthless savages, and unforgiving

It says that we are ruining the lives that we are living

 We’re the ones who are living in this world where dogs eat dogs

We’re some kind of beautiful city that has turned monstrous, covered in smog

 We’re undesirable, unpleasant, unreliable, unappealing and unlikeable

It looks at us and thinks that we aren’t adoptable

The world looks at us like we are fleas

But I say, 1 Timothy 4:12, don’t you look down on me

The world tells us who we need to be

And it thinks we’re rebelling like fallen trees

It still treats us like we’re only three

But we need to understand the key

Is that guys, we’re finally free.


This world is evil in all of its essence

So the blame gets turned to the adolescents

Saying that we’re the evil ones

Because it says we’re having sex, smoking marijuana, and shooting guns

 Why is it blaming you?

The world is the one who’s been showing us drug use, alcoholism, sexism, and telling us what to do

We didn’t create what was put on TV

The world’s the one who put it on there for us to see

It says we’re ugly little dumb beetles

But we just inherited the world’s evil

It blames us because we’re on the bottom

But I say the world is wrong, because we were born to blossom


We are now trapped inside this mess

Like being stuck in a game of chess

Where there is so much stress

That we can’t cry any less

Because we are so distressed

We just want to go back to elementary school, back to recess

Where we can be worriless

And profess

That we don’t want to progress

Because we can’t express

The worthlessness, the blindness, the bloodlessness, the pointlessness

The defenselessness, the frightfulness, the lowness,

The meaninglessness, the mournfulness,

And the sadness

That rests inside of us.


But my friends I’m here to say

That we can change the things that are being thrown in our way

This earth that we’re inheriting

Doesn’t have to be the philosophy of your parents parenting

We can change what we see

We can make it what we want it to be

Our future is in our hands

So let’s stop with the corruption and start making plans


We can change this world with our generation

Because we have heard the complications

We know why there are so many hesitations

We have seen all the accusations and the allegations

We know the expectations

We have tasted the regulations,

And we know how to be in violation to the laws of the nation

We know the lies of the media and its lack of information

And the slander of the population


Well I’m tired of the lack of confrontation

And I’m getting impatient

Our generation will get the education

So we can make new innovations

 And new operations


I’ve done some investigation

And there are a few estimations

But I believe the people in our graduation

The young adults that are about to take part in this civilization

 Have determination

And they don’t have limitations

Come on guys, let’s throw away our worthless reputations

So we can stop judging, and start loving all of God’s creations

And rest eternally in our father’s salvation.


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