Heart Full of Awesome
As a puppy,
I know how awesome life can be.
All it takes
is a cute face, and these rolls.
That’s when I know,
I’ve got my Mommy in my paw.
I am free
to be queen of this castle.
I still pee
all over mommy’s carpet.
She may yell,
but she can never stay mad at me.
This cute puppy
knows how to get away with things.
Run around,
wherever I want to go!
Up the stairs
tripping on my tiny, tiny legs.
Barks of joy
the cats don’t like it when I’m loud.
I just run
after them as fast as I can!
Bark, bark, bark!
Get back here cats! I wanna play!
All around,
the house I go! Down the stairs,
Oops I fell!
Always happy,
grass in my toes, wind in my face.
Running, running
as fast as I can, Ooh! Squirrel!
Bark, bark, bark!
Playing tag with my friends,
large and small,
loud and quiet, we all get along.
Tackle, chase,
nibble, nips, this is how we play.
Not a care,
in the world; just to live an awesome life!
Mommy can,
sit and read, as I go crazy!
all this running, but I’m so free!
Ooh! A ball!
Let’s go get it; mine, mine, mine!
Time has passed.
How much? I don’t know, but it’s time
to go home.
Dreaming of dessert to come.
I can’t wait!
It will be oh so yum!
Om nom, nom!
Munching, scarfing, oh so exciting!
Just to enjoy
this heavenly awesomeness!
Hiccup, hiccup!
Oops, ate too fast! I won’t stop!
Om nom, nom!
Falling asleep in my food,
Mommy’s laughing,
“Oh how adorable she is!
She is so,
excited just to be eating!
But she cant
stay awake for the life of her!”
Now I’m happy,
fat and fed. It is time for bed.
Snuggle bugs
Yes, we are. Nice and warm, wrapped up tight!
Snore, snore, snore!
Off to dreamland, here we go!
Oh how I
love this awesome life!