The Heart Of A Black Teen

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 16:43 -- Don


Why do the world treat us different?

Is it because the color of our skin, the way we talk, or the way we dress.

Are we not human, do we deserve to be treated like this, why are we misunderstood?

They say racism no longer exist but how come we are still paranoid.

Every where we go, we feel the hate and judgement, eyes that wish us gone.

A man once asked " Can we all just get along" well, can we?

You have to understand that on these streets are a struggle, so much violence.

It's bad enough that we blacks fight againts each other but for yall to interfere, it's too much.

You have to understand that we were raise to be caution, stubborn, prepared for situations.

Can you blame us for being us, or is it too much for you to handle.

It's sad when a black teen can't even walk in the street at night without looking

over his shoulder. When will we ever feel safe again?

Because of your misunderstanding of how a black teen choose to live,

Will be your downfall when the day a innocent black teen dies.




This piece is so powerful and certainly shows your pain, and those who feel like you will relate with ease. It is truly heartbreaking for everyone who relates to Trayvon the impact that they have felt since his death and the outcome of the trial. Thank you so much for writing this piece, because you have been able to do something I have yet to be able to do; write a eulogy for Trayvon Martin, since I have no idea how I would word everything.



It starts within, until we can live with peace among ourselves nothing more will be done. 

Powerful peice though


This poem really touched me, because I know there are many people from all across America who feel the same.  I wish that I would also get to live a life where the way I look won't be a justification for hate.  I'm a black teenager in Chicago, and I hope for better times everywhere.  Thank you so much for your poem.  Your words have definitely made its way in my heart.

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