It's my passion, it really is
And I hate it when people hate on it
They say things like is it even a sport?
Why do you play? Doesn't it hurt?
And I just hate it when they say, handball isn't for me
Some people call handball a game
But it is a sport, and if you don't believe so, then tell me
What defines a sport when a workout ain’t enough?
People often ask me, does it hurt?
I tell them no,
In the beginning it did
But as I played more and more
Giving this pain no care
It became a barrier I bested, that I overcame
Many Americans say handball's for beaners
So what I don’t understand is why this sport is called American
I would expect them to take ownership, has it got something to do with dignity?
It confuses me, as some still claim to have this "manifest destiny"
And so it seems handball is like chop suey
Made by a country, exclusively for another
Yet people claim racism is no longer an intimidation
But it still affects people's jobs, wealth and education
Girls say handball's for men
And yet they still claim sexism is dead
When they allow their gender to decide for them
It seems that people who can’t play are the ones that criticize
They have nothing better to do so they judge things they don’t like
And the fact that is has a predominant race is inconsequential
As us “Beaners” decided to play...just ‘cause
Handball is criticized for being uncommon
Just as Mexicans, Blacks and Asians have been throughout history
And it seems the harder you try to stop them, the harder haters hit
But why do they hate?
It’s my guess they don’t have the balls to play.