The Hate Fate
Hate is too strong a word, so they say;
It ensnares our minds - it's not okay.
I try to tell myself maybe they're right -
Hate can destroy, and cripple your sight,
But as hate clouds the mind, my mind goes as well.
Hate has controlled me; I'm under its spell.
Hate is a good thing; It's healthy, you see?
Hate is my friend when my friends hate me.
Hate is my ruler. Hate is benign.
Hate wrote this poem. Hate is a sign -
A sign from the devil, laid deep underground.
It masks our good senses; to it we are bound.
Hate can take over; it's with me right now.
Hate can speak volumes when I don't know how.
Hate is a trap; Hate has a plan.
Hate is my lover; it is who I am.
Hate is a drug - makes me crazy, okay?
Hate is too strong a word, so they say.