Wide-eyed, glassy stare
Dazed and confused
Reeling, recoiling
from possible
Windmills, grassy fields
Set upon in flames
from those leaders
Proven impolitic
Ancient laughs, modern tears
A cry unheard
no one pities
The human animal
Innocent way of life
A prize once held
you're not as good
As you thought you once were
I stand, contemplative
Oh! where art thou?
Thinking, wondering,
these planks of wood...
How did it come to this
Nerves worn thin, exhausted
Hark the piper
Reading my last song
to crowds betrayed
And evil I've flirted
King taken, world shattered
I close my eyes
And see the deserv'd,
feel the waiting,
Noose tighten round my neck
Foundered chance, sought unknown,
Lives sacrificed,
glowing grail;
Secret of its lure