Hamlet and Shakespeare are What Make my Day
Early mornings with Colombian coffee is how I start my day
Early dog walks with Luna and Rocky is how I get energized
Warm water over my body is how I get prepared for the day
Early breakfast with Reading Lolita in Tehran is how I come alive
A long morning drive is what annoys me on Highway 183
Geography at 9 AM is what makes me want to leave
Can’t wait for my late afternoon with Professor Thorne
She puts a smile on my face as soon as I walk in
Afternoons with Shakespeare is what makes me excited
Afternoons with Hamlet is what makes me blink
Professor Thorne’s readings are what make me want to stay
Reading and reading and reading is what brings joy to my heart
My content comes from British Literature
My content comes from Literature and writing and that is what makes me get up every day
Professor Thorne’s readings are what make my day