Growing Up.
As a little girl I always wanted to grow up.
I wanted to be old enough to wear make up.
I am now 17 and I dont wear making up.
As a little girl I always thought
I would learn of to drive at the age of 16.
I am now 17 and lets just say im not a pro.
As a little girl how I wished to grow up
so I could go out with friends whenever I wanted
without my parents chaperoning.
I am now 17 and I dont like going out as much.
As a little girl oh how i wished to grow up
and have a boyfriend who loves and cherishes me.
I am now 17 and ive never had a boyfriend.
The point is as little kids we've always wished to grow up.
we wished for what we called "freedom".
As little kids we complained of what we didnt have,
that we never saw what we were lucky to have.
Growing up has taught me many things that I
would have liked to know when I was little.
Like the reason our parents are afraid of us growing up
is because growing up means being exposed to the real world.
The world that is cruel and hurtful.
There is no rush in growing up because
there is not a whole awful lot to miss.