Grimm Beauty
With lips red as the rose
So sweet and tender as the fragrance,
As they gently arose
A soften form of patience.
A pair of rubies made in flesh
Belonging to only you,
The breath exhaled of air so fresh
A smile with the ability to woo.
Unknowingly, tempting to taste,
And the desire to capture.
You preserve so well; avoid to waste,
Unless in genuine adoration and enrapture.
Having skin white as snow,
So soft and pure as a part of nature.
With a sweet luminous glow,
Regardless of daytime or later.
Tinted pink due to cold or heat,
Filled with life in every season.
Making a skip or two of the heartbeat,
for your radiance is the sole reason.
Desiring the sensation of skin,
Through fingertips and lips.
Actions viewed as mortal sin,
Especially by affectionate nips.
And hair dark as night,
Free from distracting constellations.
The feeling is so right,
Beautifully creating silky sensations.
A part of you that sways so freely,
Enticing fingers to slide the strands.
The aroma fills my lungs sweetly,
Resisting but unable to withstand.
Urging to touch even more,
But stop myself to savor the moment.
No longer will they be ignored,
Your entire self; I want to hold it.
Such fairness on the inside
As mirrored on the outside
With a delicate frame of grace
Internalize a desire to embrace.
A red fruit sweet as poison
Stops the fair one of any motion.
Tainted by a wicked queen,
Whose hatred was the shade of green.
Though the breath of life returned
By the swordsmanship he learned.
Kiss of life and love told in the tale of Grimm,
how it brought together her and him.
The tale of beauty, youth and virtue,
Brings out the worst of all of us; who knew?
How the desire to be the fairest of all has the worst fate,
Though beauty comes in different forms and shapes.
How can we declare who is the fairest of them all,
When eyes have different sights on what is fair and appall?