Good "Luck"

He asked how life was going,
I said, "I couldn't ask for more.
I love my job, my friends and family,
Always smiling, how about yours?"
He said, "Well, I got fired,
I guess I'm always late.
And my wife just left me stranded,
When she caught me on a date."

And as we sat there reflecting,
On how things have become,
He looked at me and stated, 
"You sure have some good luck."
And at first, yes, I agreed. 
"Yeah, good luck, I'm sure that's it.
But wait, isn't luck,
Just an outcome brought by chance?"

And if it's all up to luck,
Why bother working hard,
To finish all your goals?
In fact, why even start? 
When it comes to all my "luck,"
Oh, it is no accident. 
Every single move I make,
Is done with intent.

I am living on purpose,
I am acting with cause,
All the good things that happen,
Only happen because,
My decisions are precise,
And they all insist,
On bringing me nothing,
But complete happiness.

Life doesn't have to be,
"Take what you get."
Decide what you want,
And go running after it!


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