glass skin
"im fine"
"im fine"
but my scars say im not
pants that cover them
long sleeves to
wishing i could be like you
no scars
no marks
smooth perfect skin
bein able to show your arms
and your legs to
why cant i be like you?
my skin is no longer smooth like yours
your perfect glass skin
with not a single smudge
making it perfect
not a single flaw
not a single mark
not a single chip in your glass skin
my glass skin is no longer glass
its chunks of peices on the floor
its shattered
no longer perfect
everyone trying to avoid it
if they look at it
they try to pick it up
trying to put the shards of glass back together
they try and try but cant
the shards are too small
some of them lost
some of them gone
others so small you cant seee them
my skin
is no longer like yours
nobody can put my skin back together
its shattered
it has so much chips and smudges and marks
its just covered in scars