The Girl Who Stayed Kind


United States
30° 1' 13.6776" N, 94° 56' 6.3348" W

Through the ripples of time
one girl made it through the sea of years
becoming more pure though we tried to corrupt her with tears

We called her a demon who fed off of Chaos
People would hurt her, words or knife
But she would just smile, with no ill will, and look into our eyes
compliment us, try to create no strife

She simply stood by her sister's side, only listening and quiet
others would pick fun at her, or try to learn where the older would be
If silence was golden, then her's had diamonds in it

One afternoon, it all went too far, as her sister dear had promised to meet
but went to hang out with her friends, while she waited in the rain
Some guys had wanted to ask the sis something, but only found
the silver-haired child; angered by this, they decided to learn where she was by inflicting pain

As the blade of steel cut against her arms, she tried not to cry
She tried not to be mean, but silent as the cloudy night sky
The three guys became madder, now having her hair held back and away from her face
they cut the silver strands and her right eye, that's when they'd fallen from grace
That's when she couldn't hold in the screams

A flash of light guided me to them, I'd been searching for her the entire time
She always stayed to her self, the silence being her own way of keeping in line
The three fools had run, they knew that if they stayed, they might've not survived
This was the first time she'd ever changed, the only time I thought she would shine

The transformation she took was that of age, where she once appeared 17, now almost 12
"She said she'd be here" was the only thing she would whisper while shivering
Her clothes were now over-sized, the blood covering what was left of hair, face and arms
Crumpled into a ball, she was the epitome of subconscious delicacy

Picking her up, I brought her to the apartments where my 'brothers' and I stayed
Dried her off, cleaning the wounds, and mending most of the physical wounds
"That was too close, had they have gotten worse, you could have been flayed"
My eyes looked into her eyes of sea green, where her older memories played

She only smiled sweetly, showing no sadness once again, closing her hurt eye
"After the lie that a sister has told me, I almost want to die."
I nearly protested, trying to stop her from saying such things, but she continued firmly
"But you've helped me to realize and see,
It doesn't matter if you don't know the stranger, or even if they don't know me,
You should always try to put your faith in Humanity."

"Yes, we are cruel, but also, we are kind,
We destroy, we wage war, we kill without a thought in our mind.
But we also create, make peace, and save each other with everyday things,
we help each other even with small things like gardening.
You saved me today, though I know you're supposed to kill me,
and if you have to, I let you do it, and I'll do it willingly."

A moment of silence passed between the two of us, the shock she new filled me
I didn't want to kill her after this, I never did when we first met that day under the willow tree
She wasn't like the rest of the experiments I'd had to track down and kill
She was still somehow pure, not tainted like the rest of the three

"No, that's not ever going to happen to you. You're kind, we need more people in the world like you"
My words made me turn red with embarrassment, I'd never told someone this ever before,
But she stayed still for a moment, embracing me, gently, lovingly, like a parent to a child,
This made my eyes fill with tears, I only now understand why, she'd harbored love for quite a while

So you tell me, human, why I shouldn't give Shax her life when you judge her by her cover?
She stayed pure, no matter what, and she still somehow believes in others.
The others abandoned her, because of the scar on her eye, they believe that beauty is what defines
but she sees past all that, looking deeper into a person's soul, she finds the good,
And she shows it to the person so that they can be a bit happier and change for better times.


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