Stupid girl
She was called
You think you can contribute?
You’re so tiny in this world
You may as well be mute
You’ll never get a word in
The Big Men are talking
A girl can’t play their game, they would never win
Boring girl
She was called
All you do is study
You’re a young lady
Join a sorority, go party, or
Find yourself a hubby!
Women shouldn’t be reading
Or educated anyways
Do you want to be alone, living out your days??
Bitchy Girl
She was called
Why are you so cold
No one here likes you
You’re frigid and stern
Never having any fun
Suck up to the boss
That’s how the men get things done!
Spinster Girl
She was called
Working longs nights and double shifts
Going to extra classes when she could
Not resting one bit
A workaholic
Single, and alone
Smart girl
They called her, patting her on the back
Genius some say, imagine that
A brain surgeon, the top in her class
She’s the best in her field, never in last
How did she do it?
Her father was the same way
It must be in her genes they say.