Freedom and Differences


Do you know how hard it is to be me?
They say we all have freedom,
So when I chose to be like this
They say it's wrong
I should be like them.
So what happened to the freedom?
I am a black guy.
Everytime I walk in a diner
They gave me a long stare
Like they're waiting for me
To rob them.
I am a fat girl.
But I made sure I am healthy
When I walk in a diner
They gave me a long stare
Like they're waiting for me to order
All the foods in the menu.
I am gay.
I wear tight jeans and tight shirts.
Whenever I walk in a diner
They gave me a long stare
Like I am a disease
They don't want their children
Looking at me.
I am Muslim girl.
I wear my scarf and cover my body.
So whenever I walk in a diner
They gave me a long stare.
I guess all they can hear is
Tik tok tik tok...BOOM!
But it doesn't happen at all.
Instead I sat near the bar
With the black guy,
the fat girl,
and the gay.
At the end of the day
We are just like you.
We just want to eat,
So we ordered in silence.


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