
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 06:56 -- micmaq

Freedom is for everyone,

Not to be forsaken,

Do not take for granted the warrior awakened,

The fighters heart full of love for all of god's creations,


Lift your hands put down your guns,

Let the world join together instead of hatred,

I am but one, but if my words can help but just one,

Then my heart will be totally elated,


Join together instead of hate a kind and simple gesture,

A friendly nod, hold the door, a kind smile instead of scorn,

In a world filled with so much scorn you can sequester,

So lets be but one and join together yesteryear I mourn,


Tomorrow is not guaranteed nothing is for certain,

Spread good cheer not hate and greed,

End all evil war and hate just close the hatreds curtain,

Let's all live happily and everyone be freed!  


This poem is about: 
My country


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