Forgive Me Bluejay
Forgive me, Bluejay
I killed that bird,
because that bird was hurting me
it pecked here and there, Bluejay
but mostly stole my air
as it flew around my head
and kept me awake at night
One day I couldn’t take it Bluejay,
As mother pulled away
We took the road
Until we found somewhere to stay,
The memory was painful, Bluejay
As the years did pass
So I killed that bird once again
Out of sight out of mind
I burned the memory away, Bluejay
Of those searing eyes inside my mind
I left his life to die
As his life had started to become mine
But ever since you arrived, Bluejay
That bird house I had locked
And buried deep within the earth
Was rained on,
Leaving the flowers eroded away,
And you pecked at that dirty box,
Breaking the lock That kept the light from finding the maggots,
And seeing the house so full of filth,
That’s no home for you, Bluejay
For that is the home of the bird I threw away
But now the lock is open
And I can feel it following me again,
So forgive me, dear Bluejay
Im trying hard not to,
But you have now awoken my past,
I want every flower, Bluejay
I glance at them all day long,
And I can’t help it,
They are all pretty,
I won’t touch, I tell myself
So I just glance,
But what kills me on the inside
Is when I peer upon those rosy petals and smile
Yet you are standing next to me
Ever since you came, Bluejay
That bird has been following me
And whispering to me every step of the way
Now I am asking you, Bluejay
To forgive me,
For I need you to help me get rid of that bird
To stop the bird from hurting me
Or I risk hurting you
Because that bird was me In every deed it did
its life had become mine
As I now peer through its eyes,
And gaze upon the world As just a bunch of flowers
But you are not a flower, Bluejay
You are the one sent
To help me throw that bird away