Flip Flops
The uninterrupted pitter-patter of rain,
Water rushing down the storm drain.
Standing, staring watching the disturbance,
My socks are soaked, what a perturbance!
Mother's antics ring in my head,
"Wash your clothes! Make your bed!"
But the one that rang worst of all,
"Always keep flip flops with you, spring or fall."
I hunted my purse and lo and behold,
I found a pair nearly five years old.
"Did I put those there?" I thought to myself,
"Or were they put there by an elf?"
After careful consideration and continuous thinking,
My cell phone, as if planned, began its ringing.
"Hellooo?" The voice said. And the same I returned.
The voice was so familiar, one I could never unlearn.
"Did you hear about the storm? Are you outside?"
My worried mother continuously pried.
"I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm just a little wet,
But I must ask you a question before I forget."
"The flip flops in my bag, were those from you?
They really saved my day from turning to poo."
When my mother said yes, I was filled with glee!
I couldn't believe all the little things she does for me!
My mother is awesome and so very thoughtful,
She makes life so easy and a lot less awful.
Without her I don't know what I'd do,
But I'd probably be living in a soaked shoe.