Flightless Featherless
Ask a flightless bird
To fly
And she will look at you
With perplexed eye
“How can you expect me
To fly
When I am told
I can not
Or don’t try?”
Her wings are twigs
Skinny and small
Always outstretched
Always reaching
Sparkling eyes
Always looking
Up at the skies
To all her soaring friends
That lend her their feathers
But she is bound
To her tethers
Until one day
She meets another
Flightless bird
But he is not bound, no
He does not fly either
He walks
“Why do you walk? Do you not wish to fly?”
She wonders
He walks to her
Places his hand on her tethers
And replies:
“I was not made to fly
So I do not fly
I was made to walk and so
Walk I do”
She watched as he
Walked and walked
Until she could not see him
This flightless featherless bird
Was no bird at all
She looked at her wings
And found strong arms
With hands made for
Redrawing the world that
She believed was the only world
She could belong in
Her chains were not chains
Merely legs that bound her to the earth
Allowing her to run
For as long and as far
As she was willing to go
For she found she was human
Not the bird she was trying to be
Becoming human
Was who she was meant to be