Flaws And All
I looked at her
I took a good long, long look at her
At moments she was as pretty as the multi-colored sunset, waving goodbye as it faded it into the ocean
But then there were those moments that her face absolutely disgusted me
Her hair seemed to always be misplaced, her edges… they were shedding
And as she turned to the side, you can see that black spots and acne bumps lived comfortably on her cheeks
But nevertheless, she smiled, and God blessed her with the most dazzling smile I have ever seen
Except, there was one problem, she had a slight gap… it was slight, but it was there
Over her lips and around her nose you could notice how the little brown dots stood stationary
Her face was never that clear
I would know, I have been watching her for years
When you took a glance at her, she was a beauty queen or the next Aphrodite
But stare at her, like I did
And you would notice her many flaws, her weaknesses… physically
With a swift movement, yet timely movement she applied lip gloss very delicately with her left index finger
She decided today, she was showing her flaws…
She was tired of using makeup to only make up who she wanted to be
And she just stood there
Noticing a misplaced hair, she patted it down with the most precious touch there was
She stood there, and she stared for a minute
At everything that she thought was a disaster, a catastrophe
I guess she didn’t see what I seen
In that split second, she turned away from me
And I sat there and waited for her to return once more, I knew she would be back later on
She returned, as thought, and this time as she looked at me with the deepest wondrous brown eyes
She smiled, and I smiled back as I seen the twinkle in her eyes
I think it was safe to say she saw herself as beautiful, with no flaws this time around
But just as quick as she came, she left… just as fast
But she made sure to take another quick glance of me
This time, I was more than sure that she liked what she seen
Well, until next time dear friend
No worries, whenever you get back I’ll just be hanging out here
Waiting for your return, once more
Your reflection (:
P.S. You’re Beautiful